154: Forget Me Not

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"Oppy!" I started as he looked down at the sparky mix, "It's empty!" I started to panic.

"Don't panic." Optimus started.

"I am!"

"It'll make it worse." He added, "Just breathe-"

"We don't breathe!"

"Concentrate on your filtration system- your vents."

"Hic! Hic! Hic!" I tried.

"Hiccup slower."

"Hic... Hic..." Then I fell into stasis.



I woke up real groggy and looked around, "Huh?" The ceiling didn't look Cybertronian. I looked down at my ped, "Huh?" I asked and wiggled it.

"Oh primus, you're fine." A voice started and I clutched the sword I didn't realize I was holding. I looked up to see a red and blue mech approach. A thic one at that.

"What did you do to my ped!" I exclaimed angrily.

The mech blinked, "Nothing?"

"What do you mean nothing?" I started, "It's a block! Chunky! I'm all curves and there's this box-"

"Ahh." Mr Red started, "I can get it out-"

"Do so, damn you!" I huffed, "Or I'll stab you." I threatened, only really noticing the sword was a weapon.

"You don't need to stab me-"

"I'll stab you so hard-"


"Stab-stab-" I threatened as I waved it.

"I'll get you out! Lower it." The mech instructed. I slowly lowered it but kept my hold firm.

And just like magic, I was out. Sorcery! This guy needs to be burned at the stake!

"Now check your systems for malfunctions-" He started.

"Malfunctions?! My systems are not faulty! How dare you!" Who does this mech think he is-

"You're acting weird-"

"And how would you know- you don't know me!" I started and raised the sword about an inch.

"Yes-" Mr Red started, "Um, what's the last thing you remember-"

Running away from Carrier and buying my own place with... Questionable currencies. "Excessive drinking- is this your place? You kidnapped me!" I started and raised the sword, he took a step back.





"Look, you had a spark failure-" He started as I jabbed the sword at him- I wish I knew how to use it. Was it glowing? "Ep! And you forgot a lot of stuff-"

"Oh sure I did." I jabbed at him again.

Why are you in such a bad mood? A voice in my helm started.

I looked around in panic.

"What's wrong?" Mr Red asked.

"You hear that?" I asked.

"Hear what?"

"Don't gaslight me!" I started.

Jeeze, you're pissed-

"There it was again-" I started.

"What's it sound like?" He asked and picked up some stuff.

"Errrrr, feminine?" I suggested.

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