Cat and Mouse {Aizawa}

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It was so dark you could barely see your own hand if you held it right in front your face. You were running through the empty streets and alleys each step sending a numbing pain up your over worked legs. Even though you couldn't hear or see him you could feel his eyes on you like the prey you were. You had thought him leaving the door unlocked was an answer to your prayers, a lucky break, a mistake of an overworked man? Whatever you want to call it but it turns out it was just the beginning of his sick game of cat and mouse.

You turned a corner and saw cop lights a feeling as if you could almost taste freedom came over you. That was until you felt it, it made your heart drop into your stomach, the feeling of that sick mother fuckers capture weapon wrapping around your ankle. A sharp tug caused your legs to finally give allowing him to pull them right from under you. With no time to prepare you face planted nose smacking the concrete with a sickening crunch sound. You heard his deep playful chuckle as he approached. He grabbed your shoulder and flipped you over on you back before squatting next to you with a pout.

With fake pity lacing his voice he spoke to you "Awe my poor kitten, i'll get you all fixed up." He then grabbed your chin and tugged your face to look at him as a cruel sadistic smile appeared "That is after I punish you for running off in the first place."

(287 Words)

*Just a revamp of my first ever story cuz I needed at least one story to be able to publish this

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