Vision {Nighteye}

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You were sitting on the couch giggling after a joke Nighteye told you. He was enjoying every second of the night even if he already knew exactly what was gonna hap- "I love you." He went from relaxed lean to spring up and starting at you wide eyed, that was definitely not in his vision "Say it again! Please I dont care if its the drug just please say it again!" You giggled at him as he was basically on his knees in front you. You cupped his face in both hands and gave him a little kiss to his nose "I love you, I love you, I love you." He looked up at you with such raw admiration

Hes not sure what the drug he gave you was he just knew it was supposed to calm you down enough to be able to have a nice evening with you but he never thought it would be this nice. You pulled him back onto the couch next to you cuddling him "I know I say a lot of stuff to you but your actually not that bad, kinda cute too." He smiled he still couldn't see what you would do next but he sure was enjoying himself "Mirai can we go to bed now?" "Sure." He picked you up and carried you to bed "We should have dinner together tomorrow to." His checks were hurting now, he hasn't smiled like this in years "Sure." The next morning he woke to you still cuddling him smiling away like he hadn't used his quirk to ruin your life and forced you into his life.

(303 Words)

Requested by: kamyawalker

Ik its soft and I really did try my hardest to do that but I still had to make it yandere, I hope its what you wanted

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