Oboro Head Canons

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*You guys meet in high school, first year

*You two became close, like first name close, very fast

*By second year you guys were a couple and he basically lived at your house

*The group would joke hes your shadow 

*...Then the accident happened

*You were devastated of course it went from you guys being attached at the hip to never seeing him again 

*Everyone tried to comfort you but you shut yourself away to the point of quieting school and running away

*This is when the petty crimes started, something to make you feel something again 

*Those petty crimes are how you met Stain The Hero Killer, he took you under his wing to teach you his ways

*You then decided to get pay back, you upgraded those petty crimes into murder and killed the heroes that you believed didn't do enough that day/left kids to handle that monster of a villain

*You then went from his portage to his partner in a few years

*Years later Stain is reached out to by the LOV and you tag along of course

*During the meeting you felt Kurogiri was being weird, just treated you as if hes known and loved you all his life even tho this is the first time you two have meet

*During the fight with the kids you refused to partake, because of you past you refuse to hurt kids, so you dropped the partner ship and dipped on the fight

*After his capture Kurogiri offers you a spot on the LOV but again because you dont hurt kids you refused...until he brought you to UA

*You saw Aizawa, someone who went threw almost the same thing as you and knows the pain it caused everyone, doing the same thing your teacher did all those years ago making those poor kids handle things no kid should have to go threw

*You join the LOV, thought you hate it and you definitely dont want to, you need to kill Aizawa to save those kids from the same fate you got stuck to and being in their group would make it easier

*Kurogiri starts flirting 

*You notice he knows minor details about you that he definitely shouldn't, like stuff you left in your former life or stuff you haven't told a single soul other then your dead lover

*Dabi tried to flirt with you and Kurogiri made a portal under his feet, your not sure where he went but it took 3 days for him to come back and he hasn't flirted since

*Your not to interested in love, you know only one man will ever have your heart and he took it to the grave with him

*After a month of him getting nothing he asked you to come on a mission with him, promising to let you have Eraser to yourself if you do

*You go but after stepping threw his portal you find yourself in a room with no windows or doors only a bed and bathroom

*You turn but the portal is gone, but you do hear a faint voice "I tried to play nice rain cloud but its clear your just a stubborn as you were in high school."

*...Only one person has ever called your rain cloud

*Comes by everyday but you refuse to believe it

*Brings you gifts and trinkets and gets upset when you dont accept them/thank him

*Just wants you to be happy 

*Wants a happy life with you but knows he'll never be able to get that because of the villain life he was forced into 

(648 Words)

Requested by: Gru_The_Dusty_Demon

I was living off only Monster Energy Drinks and spite for a bit and well ya girl got sick so thats why stores died down for a bit but im over it now lol so stories are back on track 🥳

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