Family {Mic}

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You grabbed the handle to your apartment and took a breath before opening it. You stepped in closing the door before looking around, your eyes meet the huge picture on the wall of you, Eri, Shinsou, Mic, and Aizawa. You broke into a sob as you grabbed it slamming the picture onto the ground, you dropped onto your knees as Mic's part of the picture stared up at you smiling "Why!? Why did you do this to our family!?" Your partner, Present Mic aka Hizashi Yamada, was found to be the UA traitor and fled before he could be captured but that was just the beginning of your hell.

A few months later your boyfriend Shota Aizawa was attacked on patrol and since only his goggles and a pool of blood was found at the scene he was presumed dead. A week after that your daughter Eri was taken by the hero commission because Aizawa was no longer there to control her quirk and they didn't feel you could handle her without him. Shinsou lives at the dorm so you had no real reason to go home and have been living with your parents for almost a year but with a holiday coming up you need to 'clean up' the apartment so Shinsou can come home.

You stood taking another deep breath as you went to grab the broom and dustpan. By the end of the day you had three piles Mic's belongings, Aizawa's belongings, and things of the three of you. Mic's went straight into the dumpster, Aizawa's all went into the storage closet, and you were to wore out physically and mentally to go threw the pile that held all the family pictures and Eri's things she couldn't bring along with others things you knew would hurt you. You went to Shinsou's bedroom and crashed onto his bed with a thub not wanting to sleep in yours just yet but knowing the couch was a bad idea. 

Not a minute after your head hit the pillow you were out cold. You woke to a weird feeling of sitting, upon opening your eyes you realized you were sitting well more like tied to a chair. You freaked and started thrashing around in the chair only to hear a familiar voice that made your blood run cold "Dont struggle, its for your own good." You looked up to see Aizawa, Eri behind his leg "Mommy!" She ran over jumping onto your lap and hugging you "S-Shota? How? What?" "Calm down you'll give yourself a nose bleed or something." Eri climbed down and untied you allowing you to get up and yank her into a tight hug that you after a second pulled Aizawa into "How is this possible, what is even going on?"

"Hizashi's gonna get our family back together." You let him go "Mic's behind this?" "Please dont be mad at him Kitten hes trying to make up for his mistake. I fought at first too but trust me you dont want to. He brought me here and explained his plan then got Eri back and now that he has you all we need is Hitoshi and we can be together again!" You wanted to say something, tell him how crazy he was acting and that you three needed to get out and get back up to take Mic down but the door opened and Mic pulled you into a hug "Missed you!" You tried to fight back but he was two steps ahead of you and stuck a needle into your neck "Shh, dont fight it songbird, you just like Sho will soon realize this is what needs to happen."

(614 Words)

One of my half sisters: Why are you sleeping here on a weekday?

Me: Makes joke about getting kicked out 

Dad: Dont joke like that 

Step Mom: Laughing her ass off 

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