Father Like Daughter 2 {HotWings}

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You wobbled into the kitchen, your balance has been off since your wings molted thanks to Dabi's injection. You sat and Hawks placed a plate in front you, its been three weeks and you've refused to do anything other then glare at them "I made your favorite." You only glanced at the food before pushing it away, you heard Dabi sigh "Dont be disrespectful, eat ya little brat!" Hawks smacked his shoulder "Dont yell at her." Dabi took a deep breath claiming himself "Firefly, you gotta eat or were gonna have to stick a feeding tube in ya, and I dont think you want that, do you?"

You stood and wobbled out the kitchen, you plopped onto the couch only for them to follow with your favorite snacks. You can't lie, your stomach is screaming at you to eat but your won, they made their bed now they need to lie in it. Hawks sighed when you only stared at the tv "At least talk to us, please my little hummingbird." You stood to leave but suddenly felt very light head, that mixed with your always off balanced caused you to go back falling over the coffee table and bashing your head on the tv as everything went black "Babybird!" "Shit!"

"Mhm." You tried to sit up but Hawks pushed you back down "Dont sit up, you'll hurt yourself." "Where am I?" Dabi rubbed your head "Hospital baby." "Daddy my head hurts." Dabi stopped rubbing your head "I know, you fell and hit it... do you not remember that?" "No." Hawks squished your hand "What do you remember?" "Uh, dad took me to aunt Fuyumi's house." That was a month before any of what was happening had happened, they both smiled to each other "Yeah, you had a little quirk accident but dont freak out dads here, we've got you."

(314 Words)

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