Reality {RoofTop Gang}

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You were walking home when your head started to hurt, you stopped and grabbed the wall "Hi!" You jumped from the young woman's voice being projected right into your head. You heard her laugh "Guess I should introduce myself, you can call me Koi and im basically your creator." You sat on the ground "Creator?" "Yeah, hard to explain, but look im feeling nice today so i'll let you choose." "Choose what?" "Your fate, something's gonna happen to you later and im gonna let you choose who does it." "What kinda quirk is this and why did you choose me to fuck with." "Dont believe me? Fine i'll prove it. Which reality do you wanna peak at first?" You rolled your eyes "Fine whatever, Oboro."


You opened the door to your house to find it empty, you shrugged and made your way to do the things you normally do upon returning home. After everything you flopped onto your bed before hearing knocks on your window, your on the second floor of the house how is there knocking? You rolled on your back before sitting up and seeing Obro on his cloud at your window. You walked over and opened the window "Wanna come hang?" "Its past my curfew." "So? Come on i'll have you home in time to go to bed for school tomorrow." You rolled your eyes as you hopped onto the cloud hugging him from behind for support as he started flying away.

"See, now who's next?" You didn't know if you believe it yet but it was weird, it felt so real "A-alright, uh, Mic."


You were walking home when Mic's stupid car pulled up beside you, that things a piece of junk but hey if it gets him from point A to B. "Need a ride hot stuff?" You rolled your eyes "What need me to show you a little leg first?" He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows "Maybe." You chuckled as you yanked the old door open sliding into the seat as he took off again.

"Well since theres only one more left i'll just show you."


You were walking home when you heard Aizawa "Here kitty, kitty, kitty." You looked around until your eyes fell on the alley, you leaned in to see Aizawa messing with a cat "Aizawa, whats up?" "Oh hey I was coming to walk with you but I kinda got distracted.

Your vision came back and you saw the people walking on the street once more, Koi's voice came back full force "So, what will it be? Come on F/n im being generous here dont make me wait."

💙Oboro's Reality💙

💛Mic's Reality💛

🖤Aizawa's Reality🖤

Go ahead and pick^

(456 Words)

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