Daughter 2 {All For One}

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Aizawa ran into the meeting room, he grabbed Midoriya's collar and ripped him out his seat "Your the number one hero and you couldn't even save my baby!?" You promised me you would keep her safe!" Todoroki and Kirishima pulled him off Midoriya, it was the first time any of them had ever seen Aizawa cry and it was kinda startling. "Im sorry Aizawa-san I know I messed up-!" Bakugou stood slamming his hand on the table "Hey! Sitting here fighting isn't bring her back!" Everyone looked to each other before taking their seats, Aizawa went and stood in the back since hes now retired.

Midoriya stood and went to the front of the room "Alright hears what you need to know, All For One or known to my mother as Hizashi Midoriya," A few people gasped "Asked to speak to me, F/n came along as emotional support and backup. During the meeting he was found out who she was and was able to get out and abduct her." Midoriya clinched his fist "He said something about their children, if they have their combined quirks will rule." Aizawa was now next to Midoriya "You guys need to save her fast."

Bakugou rolled his eyes "We know shes your only child but-" Aizawa cut him off "You all know the new teacher Loud Cloud and you all know his past. Well the accident that killed him, was meant for me, All For One has always wanted my quirk, its why I hide F/n and our relation for as long as I could. He must have figured if he cant get it from me he can get it from F/n." Everyone was at full attendance now, Midoriya grabbed Aizawa's shoulder "Dont worry Mr. Aizawa we'll get her and her quirk back safe and sound."

Back at the new hideout you were strapped to a chair "If you think im giving you children then your stupider then you look!" He turned,

Back at the new hideout you were strapped to a chair "If you think im giving you children then your stupider then you look!" He turned,

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"Thats fine dear we can always adopt, i'll just have to give them our quirks manually." "Now hold still or its gonna hurt a lot more then it already has to." "AAHHH!"

Midoriya broke down the door with a kick as Todoroki and Bakugou ran in behind him having finally made it past the league. The other heroes and cops were trying to secure an exit for them as they looked for you. Finally Midoriya found you hidden away, clearly All For One was going to come back for you. Midoriya scooped you into his arms "F/n!?" You slowly opened your eyes "I- I tried s-so hard but he got it." "Got what?" "M-my." You had to take a deep breath "Quirk."


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