Reaction 2 {Shirikumo}

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I really said part 2 coming soon then didn't post shit 😂

After a bit of going over the rules you both were allowed to leave but Shirikumo had to wear quirk erasing bracelets for a bit. He slid into the passenger seat of your car "Damn bitch you dont clean?" You lightly punched his arm "Fuck you man, Its my aesthetic." He laughed as he leaned back "I missed this." You smiled as you backed out "Yeah." He suddenly shot up "So what have I missed, like with Aizawa, Mic, Midnight, oh Tensei too!" 

The whole way home was catching him up on the 15 years he had missed. By the time you pulled up to the UA gates you were both laughing at Mic's mustache. You showed the guy at the gate your identification and Shirikumo's papers that said he had to stay with you and you were parking next to Aizawa's shit box of a car hes had since high school. "God he hasn't upgraded that thing yet?" "He still has the same phone as highschool you thought he was gonna trade that old car in?" 

You two stumbled into the dorms locking lips again trying to backwards walk up the stairs when you both suddenly heard a laugh "Wow you two sure decided to make up for lost time really quickly huh." You both turned to see all the UA teachers on the couch and your face started burning as you pushed Shirakumo away for the second time and it was evident on his face that he was upset about it. Aizawa and Mic quickly hugged him as Nezu instructed you to both come join the meeting about Shirakumo's living situation. 

After a very awkward meeting it was time to actually get up so you all headed over to the kitchen to start getting ready as Shirakumo went to his new dorm to fix things up a bit. When he came back he found you sitting on Aizawa's lap wiping his face "Ever heard of a shower?" "I took a shower, I cant help Mic thought silly string was appropriate before work." He sat and yanked you off Aizawa's lap and onto his own "Oh, you finished making your dorm?" "Not like I have anything to put in it." 

Midnight smiled "I have a box of your old things back at my house, i'll drive out there after work and pick it up for you." Mic thrusted his cup in her direction "Swing by my place too I have some shit of his as well." You smiled at them before standing "Alright lets get to are stations before 1A starts fighting each other." All the teachers laughed as the stood and started making their way to the exit, Nezu stopped Shirikumo "You have to stay in the dorms for a bit longer, were not sure how the kids may react to you." "Alright, thats fine, F/n eating lunch with me?" "Sure."    

After dinner you went off to shower, the teachers were talking about karaoke "Shirikumo were gonna head over to the bar, once F/n gets dressed you two should come meet us there." "Yeah definitely."  You walked into the living room a bit later "Where is everyone?" "Im not sure." You sat next to him "Those asses really ditched us." "Heck with them, that means I can finally have some time with you."

(569 Words)

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