Under Her Wing {Teka Todoroki}

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Teka Todoroki is an oc that belongs to @ackerbangbang on Instagram 

You were sitting at your makeup station staring at the mirror, that lady Teka suggested did an amazing job you thought before hearing whispers behind you. You leaned back, a little eavesdropping on your competition couldn't hurt, "Thats her, the girl Teka took under her wing." "No way, shes probably using her or someth-" "Scarm!" You turned in your chair to see Teka giving both girls a death glare that made a shiver run down your spine. The both booked it out the dressing room as she walked up to you.

She placed both hands on your shoulders and squeezed them as you looked back at the mirror "Ready?" "Uh, yes?" "No, with confidence." "Yes!" She smiled "Good girl, now go your up." You walked over to the doorway and took a deep breath, Teke taught you everything you needed to know you reminded yourself as you strutted through the threshold and onto the walkway. You did everything Teka taught you hoping you did it correctly. When you got back from the show she pulled you into a hug "You did amazing!" "Your crushing me." She put your down "Sorry."

"All contestants to the stage!" "Thats you go, ill be waiting backstage." You went and stood nex to the other girls. Number three and two were called and when you didn't get either of them you tried to hide your frown, Teka was gonna be disappointed, she took time out of her busy schedule to help you and you failed her. "F/n L/n!" You looked up as a crown was placed on your head, your the winner? Your the winner! After the little ceremony on the stage you headed to where Teka told you to meet her. "I won!" "I told you you would." She grabbed your shoulder and lead you to a more private area.

"F/n would you like to get dinner with me, as in a date?" You were gonna politely decline since you dont really have romantic feelings for her but as you looked into her glowing ocean eyes you remembered everything shes done for you this past almost yeat "Sure." She smiled before giving you a kiss on the check "8pm sharp, be outside your apartment."

You were standing outside your apartment at 7:58 and just like she said 8pm sharp a slick black car pulled up next to you, the window rolled down and you saw Teka "Get in boo." You slipped in and she drove off, she pulled into a fancy restaurant you could never even dream of affording. She ordered you all kinds of things then took you to another place for drinks. At the end of the night she parked in front your apartment "This was fun we should do it again, when is a good time for you?" You frowned, you can't lead her on like this "Teka im sorry, im not really into you like that." Tears perked in her eyes "So you are just like the other." "H-huh!?"

She was starting to cry now "Use me to get what you want then throw me out like trash." "No Teka I-" "No, no its fine. Im used to it." "Teka!" She wiped her face before looking at you "Teka im sorry I made you feel that way, i'll happily go on another date with you." She quickly pulled you into a hug careful of her hair before you got out the car. She waved you off before driving out the apartment parking lot,

 She waved you off before driving out the apartment parking lot,

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"Oh shes so naive, I love it."

(625 Words)

Requested by: Piggyeyething_1368

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