Disobedience 2 {NightEye}

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The door opened and you sat up for the first time in a while and caught a head rush, it felt way over two months. He flipped the light on and you screamed hands flying to cover your eyes, they were sensitive from being in nothing but darkness for that long. You heard his footsteps then he stopped before pushing aside the water containers he gave you before locking you up, you opened your eyes letting them adjust for a moment before looking up at him, stone faced as always. He didn't get a chance to talk before you broke down in a sob and reached out for him but he was standing right out of reach of the chains, on purpose you presume.

He opened his mouth but you didn't need a future seeing quirk to know what he wanted "Im sorry! I'll never do it again! I'll be good I'll even be your little housewife if thats what you want just please!" He smiled as he bent down, you could smell the Yakitori on his shirt and it made your stomach growl and hurt, it was easy to ignore the hunger when food smells wasn't wafting into your nose. He looked down at you as you grabbed your stomach with fake sympathy he spoke "Hungry?" 

You nodded and he gave a little smile as he unlocked you, the second your arms were free they wrapped around his neck clingy to the back of his shirt and he picked you up "See I knew you could behave, come on now i'll make you a plate then you can go shower and change into something clean and not so tore up." You snuggled more into his neck "Thank you." He was surprised but smiled "Your very welcomed."

(314 Words)

I lost the name of the person who requested this cuz im an idiot 🤦‍♀️

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