Symbol Of Fake {Nighteye}

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Quirk - Angle: You have angel wings and a halo
Hero Name - Halo

You and Nighteye meet back when you both started UA and became fast friends. But after graduating you got an offer to be a sidekick at a huge agency in America and quickly took it, working at a place like that is gonna look great for your public image. Of course Nighteye was devastated, he had the biggest crush on you but you left before he could tell you how he felt. Years later he had his own agency, and meet some great heroes but you were always on his mind. When he heard you would be moving back to Japan he thought it was the perfect time to reconnect, and offer you a spot as his sidekick.

He was overjoyed to hear back from you almost right away, with a yes to your job offer. The first day having you back was amazing, he missed the way you would nudge him with you wing an god did he miss that laugh. Everything was perfect... until he saw All Might picking you up after work.

You walked into work the next day and Nighteye grabbed you and pulled you into his office "Hey, I didn't know you knew All Might too." You laughed "Mirai its just us you can call him Toshinori." His eyebrows raised "Of course I know him, we've been married for years." "Your married?!" "Yeah, he worked at the same agency as me in America, oh and I need you to keep that between you and me. Toshi doesn't want our relationship public." "Why not?" You shrugged "Something about it putting me in danger, I just roll with it hes just protective I guess." Nighteye couldn't believe what he just heard, All Might married you and didn't mention AFO once!? What kinda prick puts someone in that much danger and doesn't even give them a warning, or choice to be apart of that. He has to save you before its to late. Hes known All Might a long time, maybe something hes overheard might make it anonymously to the news.

You were in the teachers lounge, All Might sent you to grab some papers for him but you and Aizawa got caught up in a conversation about cat sweaters, when the door bursted open. You both turned to see a crying Midoriya and a pissed off Bakugou. Aizawa sighed "Now what are you two fighting about?" Midoriya placed his head in Bakugou's chest and Bakugou rubbed his head "We're not fighting, but you need to see this Aizawa-sensei, you definitely need to see this Halo-san." You and Aizawa shared a look before going over to them. Midoriya turned hugging you as he cried and Bakugou turned his phone so you two could read the artical.

All Might symbol of FAKE

All Might caused the disaster that he used as a hero debut!...

All Might caused the disaster that he used as a hero debut!

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The article went on to explain how All Might was the one behind the train crash that killed several people before he stepped in to 'save the day' and that it was being investigated. You couldn't help but gasp but Aizawa kept his stoic expression. Midoriya pulled his face from your now soaked shirt "Are you alright Halo?" Before you could answer Aizawa spook "Bakugou Midoriya go back to class, this is being investigated which means it may just be a rumor meant to hurt All Might. Lets get all the details before forming opinions." 

THey both nodded and left, Aizawa turned to you "Where's All Might?" "Hes at home." He patted your shoulder as he walked back to his desk "Be careful Halo." You gave him a thankful smile "Im sure you right about the rumor theory Aizawa-san." You walked inside the house and an eerie silence felt like it would crush you "You saw it didn't you?" You jumped before letting out a nervous laugh "Saw what?" He came to stand in front you, in his All Might form he loomed over you "Midoriya already texted me with his little pity party so I know you saw it."

You backed away reaching for the door handle but he grabbed your wing hard "Ow! Toshinori!" "Your not going anywhere, you will never understand all the favors I had to pull to get that agency to hire you, I spent way to much time and money for you to try and leave me." He started dragging you away from the door "Until this blows over and you get out of your little 'mood' your not leaving the house." "B-but what about work?" He sighed "Fine, work and home, and dont think about telling anyone about this im still the number one hero no one will believe a word out of your mouth."

And true to his word he let you go to work, but it was like he was everywhere. Everytime you even stepped foot off Nighteye's agency grounds and it wasn't to go home he was there with a punishment that was supposed to teach you a lesson, the lesson that he loved you and you loved him. You walked into work and Nighteye immediately grabbed your arm causing you to flinch because he grabbed a bruise. He hauled you to his office closing and locking the door before turning back to you "Where did you get all those bruises and is your wing broken?" "Hero wo-" "Bull! I went over your paperwork and those injuries weren't documented as work injuries." You started crying and he quickly wrapped you in a hug letting you cling and cry to him.

"Its ok, you can tell me whats going on F/n." You broke and told him everything "He did what to you?" He sounded pissed "Please dont do anything stupid." He wanted to go and kill that idiot but you needed him right now "Alright, but as a hero, as your friend I can't let you go home. Come stay with me." You shook your head "I dont know, I dont wanna be a burden." "You could never burden me, it would be my pleasure to have you come stay with me." "...Okay." 

Symbol Of Death! 

All Might found dead!


(1078 Words)

Requested by: FuntimeWolfie13

Im sorry...Nighteye and All Might had to have fucked at least one, All Might and david shield fucked multiple times

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