Besties {Mic}

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🚧Student x Teacher 'relationship', dont like dont read🚧

Aizawa's funeral came to an end and everyone started to leave, you noticed Mic still kneeling over the fresh grave. You walked over and placed your hand on his shoulder "Are you alright Mic-sensei?" "Fine, you should be getting home." You knew it wasn't your place but he clearly needed someone right now "...He wouldn't want you sitting around feeling sorry you know, he would probably say its irrational to do so while the LOV is still out there."

You heard him give a sad chuckle "Yeah I guess your right." He stood and started walking with you "Do you need a ride little listener?" You felt the little droplets that suggested it was about to pour down "Thank you, that would be nice." He dropped you off and headed home himself. The next morning you were walking to school when a red car started driving slowly next to you. The window rolled down "Hey little listener want a ride?" You gave him a look "Your not supposed to go back to work yet." He pouted "Im not yo, promise! Im heading to the station and saw you and thought you might like a ride."

He stopped and you ran over to the passenger side of the car hopping in "You know you should take a break from all  your jobs, over working yourself wont help." Mic laughed "I'll tell you what, you let me drive you to and from school and i'll take... two weeks off all my jobs." You didn't think much of it, he just lost one of his few close friends and probably just wants someone to talk to and as a hero in training its your job to help people right? "Deal." He smiled before nodding to the radio "Passenger controls the radio so impress me." You leaned forward and scrolled threw his endless playlists until you found one you liked.

'Debbie just hit the wall, she never had it all...' He threw up a rock hand sigh "Throwbacks, I like your style little songbird." Soon the simple rides became you and Mic having dinner, going to movies, and just anything you and Mic enjoyed he would bring you to hang out. You still weren't reading to much into it, hes doing all this stuff to get his mind off the death of a close friend and your here because he doesn't want to be alone, nothing wrong with that. 

That was until one day after dinner at his house he locked the door after you said something about needing to get home "Hizashi-san?" "Shota was a good friend and im truly sad hes gone but everything happens for a reason F/n and I now know the reason Shota died." He wore the face of a delusional man "A-and why is that?" He smiled walking over to you.

"He died so we could become friend, we hadn't said more then maybe a sentence to each other before his death now look at us, besties, I feel like you were made just for me." "Uh, Hizashi your starting to scare me." He cupped your face using his thumb to rub your cheek "You dont need to be scared, I love you to much to let something happen to you."

(553 Words)

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