Safer {Teka, Yoshino, Enji}

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Teka and Yoshino belong to @ackerbangbang on Instagram

"Enji! F/n! Come on!" You and your brother came running down the stairs lightly pushing as your parents waiting at the door "Dont run down the stairs your gonna hurt yourself!" Mom loves yelling, you both stopped in front of them "We just have to go pick your mom up some stuff so please stay close so we can run in and run out." You both got into the car asking for lunch and things that made your dad laugh and your mom scowl but you all know she loves you guys.

You all stepped into the mall and before either Teka or Yoshino could say anything you and Enji both booked it. Yoshino laughed as Teka started walking "Wait we need to get your stuff." "But Yoshi, F/n-" Yoshi turned your way one more time before sighing "Shes with Enji im sure shes gonna be fine."  Teka nodded before heading to the fireproof store to get more bows. You were pulling Enji along when he stopped you "Im not going in that store!" You sighed "Fine, i'll only be a minute dont go far." 

You were searching threw the racks when a guy came over to you "Your Teka Todoroki's daughter right?" Not like you can really deny it, you and Enji are all over all her social media's "Yeah." You went back to searching the racks when suddenly the guy grabbed you "Bet your daddy would pay big to get you back." You couldn't scream it felt stuck in your throat, it must be this guys quirk, in fact it wasn't just the scream suddenly you were holding his hand walking as if you wanted to, this guys quirk is scary good for kidnapping.

Suddenly a hand came down grasping the guys arm, nails digging into his skin as the hand turned into magma. The man yelled in pain letting your hand go and you along with it allowing you to back away and see your mother looking more pissed than ever "Dont ever  touch my daughter!" Suddenly you felt yourself float up and fly into your dad's arms "You ok?" "Y-yeah." After a quick talk with the police you were allowed to go home. Enji pulled you into a tight hug "Im sorry, I should have been with you. Mom is always saying I need to watch you better your so weak without a quirk!" Thats all you've heard your whole life, to frail to hug your mother what if you accidentally touched her hair? To weak to play heroes with your dad what if he lost focus and dropped you? To week to train with your brother what if he lost control by accident? ....Maybe they're all right.

"Aunt F/n, do you wanna come to the mall with us?" You looked up from your book with a smile "Sorry dear you know i dont like leaving the house without your dad. You guys should go have fun though, and be safe." They all nodded before walking out, Shoto looked to Fuyumi "Why doesn't Aunt F/n ever leave the house, I was talking to mom and she said shes always been like that never leaving her parents home and moving in with them after they got married?" Fuyumi shrugged "I dont know, she said shes safer at home and I just never questioned it." 

(571 Words)

Requested by: Piggyevething_1368

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