Freeze {Villain Eraser x Mic x Midnight}

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"̵̺̓Ḻ̵͇̈́̃e̷̮͂t̷͙̲̕'̷͙̥̏͋s̴͍̯͋̈́ ̸͉̬̑̑b̶̻̔e̸̩͙͛̒ ̴̢͙͊h̶͔̻̃̏e̸̮͘ŕ̷̡̪o̵͇̔̽ẹ̷̺́̆s̶͉̒̔ ̸̗͗̓t̴̛̹̹ó̴̡̢͌g̴̺̹̾e̷̗̬̒̾ţ̸̂́h̵̫͑̕e̶̺͓̐̿r̵͔̎͊!̶̖͖̿̂"̵̨̲̈́

Oboro Shirikumo aka Loud Cloud - DOA

Kayama Nemuri aka Midnight - MIA, presumed dead

Hizashi Yamada aka Present Mic - MIA, presumed dead

Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead - MIA, presumed dead

F/n L/n aka H/n - Alive

You closed the manila folder rubbing your eyes, why do you do this to yourself? You stood and placed the folder back on the bookshelf before sitting back at your desk and clicking the icon and started your work, if your working your not feeling guilty for living you learned that a while back. After hours at the computer you could no longer hold your eyelids open, you closed the window and caught sight of a picture on your desk.

 After hours at the computer you could no longer hold your eyelids open, you closed the window and caught sight of a picture on your desk

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You frowned as you placed the photo face down and went to bed. You woke up the next morning and got ready. You got to school and greeted Vladking with a smile as he came to walk next to you "Hey so I was thinking maybe you and me could get some food and grade to-" "Cant, sorry." Why can't he take the hint.  

You walked into class and the students sat "Goodmorning sensei!" "Morning class, suit up and head to the busses." Midoriya and Todoroki came over to you with a hot cup of coffee "Hope your having a good day sensei." You took the coffee and ruffled his hair "As good as it came be with you as students problem child." You got onto the bus and sat leaning back and closing your eyes, you woke to shaking. You looked up to see Iida "Were here sensei!" You stood and lead them into the USJ next to thirteen "How are y-" "Fine."

You stood explaining what they needed to do when suddenly you felt something change in the air. You turned just in time to see a purple portal opening. Some of your students shifted but you quickly turned to them "Do. Not. Move. Thirteen watch them!" You started running down the stairs as villains started emptying into the arena. With your quirk, Psychokinesis, it was easy to get most of them captured until you were meet with the sight of familiar bright green eyes. You frozen in your tracks as a familiar smirk crossed his face "Hey songbird!" You dropped to your knees hands clutching your ears, suddenly a familiar fabric wrapped around you "Sorry kitten this was the only way." You were pulled to a chest and looked up to see beautiful blue eyes as a purple fog enveloped you.

You woke to a throbbing head and sore muscles from being tied to a chair "Uh, my everything." You whined as you picked your head up "Oh no are you uncomfy, let me fix that." You were suddenly untied and sat in a leather clad lap "Want a massage? Food? Water? Medicine?" "Shes not a baby and you know for a fact she doesn't like being treated like one Zashi." You looked at the two people in front of you, Shota Aizawa wearing black sweats and a black hoodie and Kayama Nemuri in a mesh jumpsuit with nipple covers, gloves, and thighhighs. You turned to the guy who had you on his lap bright red leather of course.

Your having a nightmare and needed to wake up, that has to be what it is you read that stupid police report and now your having a really bad nightmare! Mic cupped your face "Hey, breathe dont want ya passing out on us." You took a deep breath, its real! "I- I need a trash can!" The second it was given to you you started vomiting, Mic rubbed your back "Let it out, its gonna be ok." Once that was over you looked around tears already streaming down your face "Your all supposed to be dead! They said you were dead!" 

Aizawa nodded squatting next to you "Missing in action and presumed dead, not dead. When we relized what happened we took the building collapsing to make our escape, so we can avenge Oboro, teach the corrupt heroes a lesson." You looked at him "Corrupt heroes?" Midnight rubbed your shoulder "They left kids to deal with a villain, they didn't even try and help Oboro. You deserve better then to be a puppet to that wrecked system." You leaned back onto Mic brain running wild. "Please just let me go home." Mic chuckled "You are home F/n, your new home with the people who care the most about you. Just lay back and let us care for you songbird."

(788 Words)

Requested by: Crimson_Dragon13 

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