Break 2 {EraserMic}

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You woke up to the feeling of the bed moving behind you, assuming it was Mic getting up for work you just tried to go back to sleep. That was until arms wrapped around you "Kitten, you up?" You tensed under his touch causing him to sigh and roll you over pulling you into his chest "Its ok you know I wont hurt you, right?" You didn't say anything but you were still tense "I know you're probably not gonna forgive me but I just wanted to say sorry. You scared me and I didn't think before I acted." "Where's Hizashi?"

He sighed and you could see the hurt in his eyes, of course you would ask for Mic "Hes in the kitchen making breakfast. He asked, more like told me, to leave you be but I needed to tell you sorry before work. Can this stay between us?" You nodded quickly as he got up and left. You made your way to the kitchen after a few minutes, once Mic laid eyes on you he quickly grabbed you pulling you into a hug that caused you to laugh "Morning Songbird!" "Morning."

You sat next to a sad looking Aizawa as Mic put both your plates down "So whats your plans for the day?" Aizawa asked you only for Mic to chime in "Im staying home today, since someone can't be trusted, I took the day off." You looked down the pain in your arm a dull reminder of your fail the day before. "Alright, ill take the bus so you dont have to leave for no reason." "Yeah." You could tell the feelings from yesterday still lingered in the air. A heavy silence hung between the three of you and you couldn't take it "You should stop at the store on your way home and pick up a movie, we can have a movie night."

They both gave you a weird look not expecting anything like that from you but soon Mic smiled "Yeah, I can pick up snacks on the way back from dropping you off." Aizawa nodded "Good because I hate the bus." They both laughed, you gave a small smile, you dont like your situation but you truly loathe it when they dont get along so playing nice is all you can do for now.

(395 Words)

Requested by: 09w5g8

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