Coming Around {Assorted}

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How I think these yanderes would react to you finally coming around to them


*He came home from work to find you in the him dinner?

*He was confused and even accused you of trying to poison him at first

*Once he actually figures out your being genuine he gives you a real warm hearted smile and wraps his arms around you from behind placing his chin on your shoulder and helps you cook

*Its gonna take him a bit to get used to you being lovable back and he'll probably test you once or twice but your gonna see a lot more of that smile


*He comes home from his radio show to a warm bath already ready for him

*Of course hes confused but hey why question you when the water wont be hot for long

*Is even more confused when you bring him a towel but instead of leaving you come over and wash his hair while asking him about his day

*Once hes dressed in his home clothing he starts his grading only for you to come in with puppy eyes and ask him to come to bed... wait you wanna sleep in his bed? Now he cant hold the questions in anymore

*You get basically interdicted and once hes satisfied with your answers he scoops you up into his arms and carries you to bed fuck grading his songbird finally wants to cuddle 


*He comes home from a mission a beat up

*He comes to sit with you like he always does to calm down but you start bandaging him and lecturing him about being more careful

*Shigaraki.exe has stopped working

*Once your done you hug him and he hears a little sniffle

*Cue panic

*Hes careful when he hugs you back and promises to be more careful but in reality hes already planing on hurting himself again just for your attention


*She was play flirting on the phone with Mic

*She noticed afterwards you were giving her a colder shoulder then normal and asked what that was about

*"You dont talk to me like that."

*It clicked 

*Shes all over you within seconds smothering you in love and complements basking in the fact your letting her


*You answered a question he asked you...wait you answered!? Without hesitation!?

*Within seconds he went from all the way across the room to right in front of were you were sitting

*"Can you repeat that?" "Sure."

*You didn't get the chance to repeat your answer before your wrapped in his arms being yanked into the air for a tight hug

*He ugly cried... a lot

(445 Words)

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