Position {Mic}

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You managed to crawl into an alley and prop yourself against the wall. You moved your hand from the wound to your face, it was covered in slick red blood. You muttered a fuck under your breath, you couldn't believe you were gonna bleed out alone in some dark grungy alley. You closed your eyes accepting it and hoping it wouldn't be one of your few friends to find your limp body as you started to feel light headed and clammy.

The last thing you felt before your body gave was being lifted into familiar loving arms. You woke up in extreme pain, opening your eyes and looking around you found yourself to be laying in a bed in some cabin in the woods. You managed to sit up but immediately regretted that dissection when your wound started to throb and ache causing you to fall back. You noticed you were no longer in your hero suit, you lifted the shirt up to see you've been bandaged up not by a professional but definitely someone who knew what they were doing.

You managed to get on your feet after a few tries. You started walking down the hallway holding the wall for support, walking was taking a lot out of you because of the pain. You got into the main area and looked around the homely cabin "Hello!? Anyone home!?" You heard shuffling from the kitchen before your ex husband ran out quickly laying you on the couch "You shouldn't be walking around yet." "Dont touch me you son of a bitch!" He frowned "Still mad at me huh?" "Your a villain! You gave the league our information! You put our kids in danger! Your the reason Midnight and Aizawa are gone! Im more then mad!"

He sighed as you stood holding your wound "Can't we just forgive and forget dear I mean your not a perfect person either-" You swung at him but he caught the fist and quickly pinned you to the ground "OW!" He got off picking you up carefully and walking towards the room you woke up in "Songbird lets not fight I saved your life and lets be honest, your not really in a position to." Before you could retaliate he grabbed and squeezed your wound "FUCK!" He smiled down at you as tears perked in your eyes "If you behave maybe i'll start giving you something for the pain." 

(405 Words)

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