Graduation {UA Teachers}

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You are a student but 3rd year aka legal age

You were walking down the hallway when Mic's arms flung around you pulling you up into a hug "Hey little listener, so glad your back!" You smiled as he put you down "Oh that reminds me I brought you back something from the American work study." He gave you a smile back as you gave him a book he always told you about but could never find "Oh what! I haven't been able to find this since I first read it!" "Old thrift book shop, last one I checked. You were right its a really good book." He let you go on your way as he went into the teachers lounge.

"L/n got back this morning!" Everyone's heads perked up and Midnight jumped up "Yay!" Aizawa grumbled "A week before graduation, thats great" Everyone frowned and Vladking huffed "Why must you always bring up graduation, ever since we meet her you've been bring us down with that." Aizawa rolled his eyes "Would you like me to pretend she won't graduate and move to America like shes been talking about since first year, its not my fault you all choose to live in your imaginary world that she'll stay because we asked her to."

Midnight got a sick smirk on her face that made everyone look her way "What are you thinking?" She went over to Aizawa's desk and grabbed your final report "Im so sad, shes always been such a good student." She put your report in the shredder and turned it on "But if she didn't turn in her report we can't approve her graduation." Everyone smiled as HoundDog started typing "Not to mention her detest for following orders, at least thats what her student file says." Nezu shook his head "All those disciplinary slips too, guess we have no choice but to hold her back." 

(329 Words)

Requested by: Crimson_Dragon13 

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