Bus {Yo Shindo}

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Joke sat in her seat "The bus is taking off!" You didn't even hear her to busy standing next to Yo talking about what to do after the field trip. The bus started driving and you lurched forward landing right across R/n's lap, they picked you up and placed you on their lap "If you wanted to sit with me so bad you could have just asked~" You gave a nervous chuckle quickly glancing at Yo Shindo, he was smiling. Your so in trouble.

You all got off the bus and you stood next to Yo only for him to walk away from you, shit. You did the whole hero course thing worried about what Yo was going to do to you once this was over. Everyone got back on the bus, and Yo was even more mad because he failed the exam. Joke stood in the front of the bus "Make sure your sitting, were taking off." This time you quickly sat next to Yo before the driver even got the chance to take off.

"So," Here it comes "Was it an accident or were you trying to piss me off." "Accident, I swear." He nodded and smiled at you, was he gonna let you of- "Good, i'll make sure your punishment isn't to harsh then. Oh and your gonna have to walk home alone me and R/n need to have a little talk."

(240 Words)

Requested by: FuntimeWolfie13

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