Iida Headcanons

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*He can't help but notice you, your acting like rules dont apply to you

*He tires time and time again to pull you on the right path but you just keep fighting it 

*He doesn't get it, your a lost cause, but hes drawn to you and wants to help you

*The last straw was when everyone was sitting in the dorms living room and you said you would totally 'tap' Shigaraki 

*Hes loves you to much to let you throw your life away

*Its Iida, if he tells Mr. Aizawa you openly talked about joining the league hes definitely gonna believe him no questions asked 

*When he saw you packing your dorm he let you cry on his shoulder but its not the wake up call he thought it would be

*No he thought you would finally get what your doing but instead you only started acting out worse so he does the only thing he can think of

*He snatches you up after you snuck out for another night in a row

*Your reported as a runaway so no ones really looking for you

*In reality your locked up in Iida's basement, he promises you can come in his room once you behave 

*He has no problem breaking you but he would rather you come willingingly 

*Hes one who will deprive you; no water, food, light, bedding, whatever luxury hes given you he will happily take away as a lesson

*Hes also one who is willing to reward quickly, Iida family rich, so anything you could ever want you could have IF you behave

*Iida's smart, patent, and knows how to play the long game so you will come around and be his loving little girlfriend

*His family are almost never home because of the work so they won't notices Iida always going to the basement but once he brings you up {because you've surrendered} they will notice you around the house and of course your face was on the news as a runaway

*Iida will tell them you've been his girlfriend for a while and came into a disagreement with your family and need a place to crash, and like the nice people they are the welcome their sons lovely girlfriend into their home with open arms

*And if you tell them different Iida will make sure you regret it

(384 Words)

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