Stories {EraserMic}

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You were sat on the couch bored out your mind as you mindlessly flipped through channels on the tv. Your capturs have been on a two week long mission and you've already completed everything they gave you to keep yourself busy till they return. You tossed the remote and walked over to your bookshelf scanning it, you've read them all. You groaned and grabbed the phone Mic got specifically made for you, it can only receive or call out to him and Aizawa nothing else. It rang only once "Missing us songbird?" You sighed "Im bored." "Oh I got you a new-" "I finished the puzzle like three days ago." "Aizawa also got you-" "The books finished too." 

"Oh im sorry my melody we'll be home soon just try and find something to keep yourself occupied with till them." "Alright." "Bye! We both love you!" "Bye." You tossed the phone aside the remote and scanned the bookshelf again, an idea struck you. You went to Mic's office and sat at his computer desk.


You tried your old log in four or five times but it never worked. You just decided to make a new account, you thought for a moment about what you should write about before deciding to just go back to what you used to write, heroes x readers. By the time everything was set up and your story was published you were no longer bored. You continued writing for the next two days and ended up with a nice little following. The third day they came home and with arms full of bags "We brought you stuff to do!"

"Oh thanks." You were snatched off the floor and into tight hugs "We're so sorry we didn't get enough stuff before we left." "Its cool." Later you got a story idea and went to Mic's computer but he was on it already "Came to spend some time with me?" "No actually I started writing stories and I was using your computer, I can come back later." "Stories? Can I see?" You shrugged as he pulled you on his lap. You pulled up your account making sure to show him the story you wrote about him and not the other. "This is really good songbird." You nodded "So is this how you kept yourself occupied?" "Yeah." "Sho come here!"

Aizawa came into the room and leaned over you and Mic's shoulder reading the story on the screen "Wow kitten this is good." To your horror he clicked the 'next part' button and it pulled up the FatGum story that was next. Both their smiles dropped as they scanned the story, Aizawa straighten up "This ones good too." Mic nodded as he clicked your profile icon. Your profile is basically a jane doe, you use a pseudonym, an anime drawing as a profile picture, and your bio gave no personal information. The only story you had was labeled 'hero's lover' and he clicked that as you sat in silence.

They both silently read through the story with unreadable expressions "Kitten?" Your heart was in your throat "Yes?" "Why are you writing about other people?" "There just request from the people that read my story." The both nodded slowly "Did I do something wrong?" Mic patted your head "Course not, tell you what, you can keep writing your stories..." You were confused "...As long as you dont write about others." and theres the catch, better then nothing you thought as you watched Mic delete the parts that weren't about him.

(618 Words)

Requested by: marvelrulez

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