Cardigan {You}

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You were seated a few seats away from All Might and Endeavor as Mic ran off to 'give some soul' into the narration of the class. During the whole thing you couldn't help but notice how Ikoma was seated very close to your husband, then she latched onto his arm crying "Attention whore." All Might turned "Did you say something Yamada-san?" You gave him a smile "No just laughing at Hizashi's antics." After the class was over Mic and All Might headed back to school, you walked over to Ikoma's car "Ms. Ikoma would you like to come get a coffee with me theres a few tips I would like to give you, preschool teacher to preschool teacher." She smiled "That would be lovely, the other girls at work just threw me to the wolves."

The next day you were making breakfast when Mic walked in "Your coworker that let us use her class for remedial course went missing yo." You put on a worried expression "Oh no, I hope she gets found safe soon." "Yeah, is that bacon?" "Yup!" You grabbed his plate and turned but stepped on something. You looked down to see a yellow cardigan covered in red stains, you kicked it under the ice box as Mic came around the kitchen island grabbing his plate "Love ya songbird." "Love you too Zashi."

(273 Words)

This was purely self indulgent {Ill admit it im jealous of her}, and like he was totally flirting with her and she acted like she didn't know, bitch if that was me the only preschool would have been my mouth if you catch my drift 🤪

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