Songs {Assorted}

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Another one cuz I put a good amount of effort into this and I dont wanna wait till tomorrow to post it 

Songs I think relate to you and your yanders relationship, aka songs that make me think of a certain anime characters yandere relationship lmao


*Definitely an age gap, not necessarily pedo like, but your young enough for him to be able to use it against you or your around his age or are his age but not very maturity {As in naive} 

*He will use your problems, insecurities, and naiveness to manipulate you mentally

*Great listener, will let you sit and cry it out with him for hours and actually cares about what your saying { 'Go ahead and cry, little girl ... I know how much it matters to you ... When you told me the whole story I felt like throwing up' }

*Hes very caring and his presents and voice for whatever reason does calm you sorta like a fathers would 


*Your his little secret something for him and him only, and he knows its wrong to think like that

*Loves to talk about you but makes it vague enough that he could literally be talking about anyone 

*Has a little fear of someone finding


*Toxic but also not at the same time, its weird

*Is obsessed with the idea of breaking you {stockholm}  

*Lots of backhanded compliments { 'You're hideous and sexy!' } 

*But truly does love you and try to be normal couple, or at least what he thinks normal is


*Do I even need to explain this choice? I will anyway,

*Toxic duh

*Tries hard to not be but will always fail because of many things he can't control

*Most of the time {after stockholm} your relationship won't actually be that bad... but other times...

*He makes a lot of empty promise { 'I'll never stoop so low again' }

*Will literally tie you to the bed and set the house on fire if you try to leave, if he can't have you no one can


*At least hear me out, 

*You guys meet back in middle school and you treated him not just kindly but actually put in effort to be his friend and make him feel less 'villain like' { 'I met you in the dark, you lit me up, You made me feel as though I was enough' }

*Hes known he loved you o̶b̶s̶e̶s̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶  since a little after you meet but he was scared because of how everyone else acted towards him so he kept it all in until he couldn't anymore

*Even after literally locking you away with him hes afraid you'll leave him because hes now proven what the others say about him being a villain so he needs lots of reassurance { 'Say you won't let go' } 

*Other then the whole forced to be with him thing your relationship will be surprisingly normal  sorta kinda and nice like an everyday couple 


*He hates that he can't stop this obsession with you and wants to stop

*He feels trapped inside of it and it scares him to even think about showing that side of you

*But eventually he will have to and he'll probably break down and ask for help while at the same time being a full blown yandere


0:18 - 0:38

*...Im sorry

*I couldn't past the opportunity for that joke up, I hope you all get it and I hope you can all forgive me 

(574 Words)

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