Tag {Aizawa}

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You opened your door to leave for work but a cat rushed into your apartment. You stopped closing the door and walking over to the chunky cat now laying on your couch, you caught sight of the collar so you leaned down 

Nezu Jr.
If lost please return to Shota Aizawa

You sighed "Im gonna be late for work if I return you, I hope your owner isn't to worried about you Nezu." You left the cat in your apartment and ran all the way to the train almost missing it. Upon returning home you opened the door to the cat you had all but forgot about rubbing your leg "Oh right! Come here boy." You picked him up closing the door behind you as you sat on the couch typing the number on the collar into your phone.

"Hello?" "Hi is this Mr. Aizawa?" "Who's asking?" "I found Nezu Jr.-" "Oh! Thank god, im sorry for the harsh tone." "No problem," You told him where to come "Oh, your not to far from me hold on." A knock sounded on the door and you opened it to see a tired man, Nezu Jr. quickly ran up to him rubbing his leg "You know better then to leave the apartment." You laughed at him scolding the cat "Please come over for dinner as a thank you." "No need for thanks-" "Please I insist." 

You smiled and nodded accepting the invitation, he seemed like a nice old man probably just lonely and thankful to have his buddy back. You followed him a few doors down on the other side of the hall. He opened the door and moved to let you walk in, you looked around it was a simple apartment not much in decoration or furniture wise but pictures of him and his friends covered a wall off to the side and the cat was very spoiled you could tell. You then noticed his hero certificate next to a picture of him and a blond man in a cap and gown "Your a hero?" "Yeah, not really mainstream though." 

You felt even more at ease, hes a hero after all. You sat on the couch as Nezu Jr. climbed into your lap "He really seems to like you." "Well he seems lovable." He laughed "He tries to maim my friend Mic every time he comes over so count yourself lucky." You knew the blond guy on the wall looked familiar "You know Present Mic?" "Yeah, ive known him before he was Present Mic." You laughed "Dinners almost done, make yourself comfy." You leaned back giving the cat all the love you could before soon you heard Aizawa yell out "Dinner." You put the cat down and walked into the homey little kitchen.

You slid into the chair as he put a bowl in front you "Thanks." He nodded taking his own seat, you two ate talking about Nezu Jr. who was sitting by your chair meowing for you to drop him a piece of food. After dinner you stood with a stretch "Would you mind staying a bit longer, I haven't had a visitor in quite some time." You smiled, your assumption was right just an old man who wanted some human company "Sure." You followed him into the living room and you both sat on the couch talking about anything and everything. You suddenly started feeling very lightheaded and it was a struggle to keep your eyes open.

You stood but quickly your legs gave out, Aizawa caught you picking you up bridal style. You could see him grinning threw your blurry vision but you no longer had the energy to keep your eyes open, you went limp in his arms. He brought you to his room laying you down with care before tucking you in planting a kiss on your forehead. He walked back into the living room to take the couch, hes nothing if not a gentleman, but Nezu Jr. stopped him meowing furiously "Oh right." He went to the kitchen and gave the cat a treat "You did such a good job getting our girl home, plan wouldn't have worked without you buddy."

(698 Words) 

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