Switch 2 {Aizawa vs. VladKing}

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🚧Teacher(s) x Student 'Relationship', dont like dont read🚧

You were holding the pole as the train swayed not paying attention to anything around you, just scrolling through the morning news on your phone waiting for your stop "Oh is that a UA uniform?" You looked up to see the man sharing the pole with you smiling wide "Yeah, im in the hero course." The man nodded "A future pro, with a body like that im sure you'll be super popular." He moved his hand on top of yours and your skin started crawling, what a creep. Before you could do anything a voice sounded from behind you "Back. Off."

You looked up to see Aizawa "Mind your business old man." "As my student she is my business. Now you can leave her be or I can break your jaw, your choice." The guy huffed as he let go and you quickly took your hand off the pole so he couldn't try again but the train swayed again and you went back. You knocked into Aizawa's front but the solid man didn't falter he only wrapped the arm that wasn't holding the pole around you still staring the guy down as he shuffled into a different train car. You didn't bother to grab the pole again content with the secure hold "Thank you Aizawa-sensei." "No problem."

Aizawa laughed in his head, some teacher VladKing is were was he when you needed him, nowhere to be found. "Why are you riding the train?" "My cars in the shop, i'll never let Midnight borrow it again." You giggled as the train came to a stop and everyone had to hurry out. You walked into VladKing's room but he handed you a paper with a pissed off look "You've been switched to 1A by Nezu." "Oh, Alright. Have a nice day VladKing-sensei." "Won't be as nice without you in class." "Im sorry, we can still eat lunch together like normal though." You both smiled before you headed over to 1A who welcomed you with open arms, well most of them.

After class you walked over to Aizawa's desk "No training today either." "Come on!" He chuckled "Because we need to redo your workout regimen. Theres this new cat cafe, just opened actually, we should go there to work it out. It would probably be more comfy then sitting in the packed teachers lounge with the loudasses." Your eyes lit up upon hearing cat cafe and Aizawa had to fight back the blush that threatened to spread across his face, your just so cute. You two were walking threw the empty halls leaving a few hours after school since you had to wait for Aizawa to finish grading.

VladKing was walking back to his room with a stack of papers "Why is L/n still here school was over hours ago and the gym wasn't booked for training." Aizawa patted your shoulders and told you to start heading down and grab what you need out your locker as he talked to VladKing. You walked away and VladKing made his way to Aizawa. Once you were gone VladKing gave him a deathglare "I know what your doing, dont you think its unprofessional to try and shack up with one of your students you sick old pervert." Aizawa laughed "Your one to talk, all those passing glances and lingering touches, sneaking her off campus for lunch." Suddenly they both heard Nezu "VladKing I need you in my office. Now." "Why?" "Snipe told me you said something very inappropriate about a student, we need to have a discussion." VladKing started walking with Nezu, he turned to look at Aizawa for a last time,

At the same time Mic caught you at your locker "Hey little listener, schools been over

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At the same time Mic caught you at your locker "Hey little listener, schools been over." You smiled, Mic sometimes joins you and Aizawa's training and is always funny "Me and Aizawa-sensei are going to a cat-cafe to discus training." Mic smiled "Alright, well I hope you two have fun pretty kitty." He walked off as Aizawa came over "Did he bother you?" "No, ready?" "Yeah." The train ride wasn't anything special and neither was the walk to the cat cafe. You guys were sat at the back in the last table in the corner. He was writing on the papers he brought as you petted the little black kitten napping peacefully on your lap, Aizawa didn't know it was possible to be jealous of a cat till today.

A lady came over to the two of you "Can I get you two anything?" Aizawa hummed as he put the pen down "I'll take a black coffee and she'll have {favorite coffee} and {favorite dessert}. Thank you." The lady nodded as she walked off "How did you know I like that stuff?" He didn't look up from what he was scribbling "I pay attention." You smiled, nobodies every really listened to you when you started ranting about things you like. After a few hours of boring training stuff you were resting your head on the table yawning, Aizawa pulled out his phone "Its getting late, you can come eat dinner at the apartment and then i'll call Mic to bring you home." "Alright." Its not the first time training ran so late you and Aizawa get dinner together at his apartment, its actually fairly common. 

He opened the door to his apartment and you ran in picking the chubby cat up off the couch and hugging it "Hi Nezu Jr., did you miss me?" The cat laid its head on your chest as you kissed its forehead, again Aizawa found himself jealous of a cat. He left to the kitchen as you laid on the couch with the cat. 

"Its done!" You put the cat down and sat in the chair with the bowl in front of it. Aizawa walked over and put a glass of water down in front you, you took a sip and made a sour face "You ok?" "This taste weird." He laughed "Its just water silly." You shrugged it off and drunk that water, after dinner Aizawa let you steal some of his clothing to get out the uncomfortable school uniform before calling Mic since it would take a while for him to get there. Once he was there you were already dozing off, Mic crouched in front you "You up pretty kitty?" "Mmh." He stood and turned to Aizawa with a smile "If you get caught I was never here man, but congrats on getting your kitten home." Aizawa smiled "Thanks for the advice, tell your songbird I said hi or am I one of the people shes not allowed around?" "Mic laughed "I know your joking but we should make a playdate for our darlings when L/n calms down it would be good for them."

(1230 Words)

Y/n when a guy a bit older than her is being a creep: Ew Gross

Y/n when Aizawa and VladKing {both 31} are being a creep: Yall hear something? No? Mean neither.


If you didn't understand the ending, Mic is a yandere for a different person and is the one who gave the idea of drugging and kidnapping you to Aizawa, I just dont think I made it clear enough lol

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