Mine 3 {Shirikumo}

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You woke to Shirikumo shaking you "What?" "Time for work." "No." You rolled over causing him to laugh and throw you over his shoulder. The both of you got dressed and you opened your jewelry box grabbing the necklace with the ring hanging on it with the engraving 'Hizashi <3 F/n'  You tucked it into your shirt with a sad sigh before a kiss was placed on your cheek "Ready?" "Yeah... do you think they'll ever find him?" "F/n its been almost a year." You stood "I know, let's get going." You quickly walked past him and he frowned of course he knows it had to be done to insure that you were his but he still feels guilty having to hurt then lie to you.

He walked into the dorm kitchen to see you talking to Aizawa, he wrapped his arms around you "Morning Aizawa." "Morning Shirikumo, did you finish grading those english reports?" "Yeah." After that you all had to get to your classes, he stood outside the english classroom welcoming the kids as he overhears them talk about how they are truly sorry for Mic being missing but they do like him better. Later that night you came out the bathroom in an oversized Put Your Hands Up Radio t-shirt, he had to hide his frown as you curled up on your side of the bed "Night sweetie." "Night F/n."

Why, why must you do this all the time? He gets it your still mourning and all but you shouldn't be! Everyone likes him better, Aizawa, the kids, so you should too! Hes better than Mic hell if Mic loved you so much why didn't he fight harder to come home to you. He took a deep breath and curled into you, he needs to calm down hes taken care of Mic now he just needs to be patient, you'll come fully around soon enough.

(323 Words)

Requested by: FuntimeWolfie13 

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