KiriBakuOcha Head Canons

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*You work at Kirishima's agency and your just to tough 

*He feels guilt since hes already in a committed relationship with his two amazing partners but its not like he wants to cheat he wants to add you to his already amazing family

*Bakugou comes over to have lunch and the two of you bump into each other and have a conversation 

*Such a naive little thing you didn't even notice his eyes linger and stay where they shouldn't have for far to long

*He like Kirishima feels guilt until Kirishima comes running right up to him "Shes amazing isn't she!?" and all the stuff 

*They bring Ochako and she has the same thoughts they did: a body, voice, and personality that scream "I need protection!"

*They wiggle their way into your personal life fairly quickly

*After becoming comfortable with you and vice versa they make a move on you that you miss read

*Your hurt and accuse them of only befriend you to try and get down your pants 

*You dont give them a second to explain themselves before you push them off and stand marching your way to the door to leave ready to turn in your two weeks notice the next day

*Suddenly your grabbed and they try and calm you and explain they want you not what you have to offer but your already over it 

*You dont really remember what happens next but the smell of sweetness is still in your memory 

*You dont need to work, or cook, or clean no they've got all that covered you just need to love them and trust me you will

*They want cuddles, and kisses, and everything a normal relationship is expected of 

*If you obey and become there happy little parter your life will be good and full of love and presents

*Fight back and they'll show you why you should have obeyed

*Bakugou is the disciplinary misbehave and he will punish and if hes not home he'll know the second he gets home

*Kirishima is the good cop after the punishment, he probably tried to save you from, he'll cuddle and coo to you making sure you know your loved and reminding you if you just submit things could be amazing  

*Ochako is the medium, shes not afraid to get you punished but she won't baby you she will however remind you that if you behave things would be different 

*Two things can happen;
1. They'll break you and you'll spend the rest of your days a metaphorical zombie
2. You'll give up and let them care for you as they please

(440 Words)

Requested by: u8t11111

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