"̴̜̫͂N̷͓͓̔͘ö̶̤͓́̾r̶͖̀̆m̴̢͗̒ą̶̆͛l̴̖̭͛̑"̷̙̭͌ {Sero}

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To Sero his plan was set in stone and even though it took longer than he wanted he did get to cuddle you, and soon you two were married, and a bit after that Kiseki Sero was born.

A hand lightly tapped your face "Mom. Mom. Mommy. Mom-" You grabbed him pulling onto the bed between you and Sero "Yes my little tape dispenser?" "Can I go with dad to work today?" "Ask him." "Dad. Dad. Daddy. Dad. Da-" "What is it bud?" "Can me and mom come to work with you?" "Its to dangerous." He sat on Sero's chest giving him puppy dog eyes and Sero sighed "Get dressed F/n." You chuckled as you slipped out of bed "Push over."

Soon Kiseki was in his Cellophane themed onesie and buckled into his car seat "Alright im just doing paperwork today, stay by me at all times." The last part he turned to you to say. You put Kiseki on your hip as Sero grabbed your hand and you all walked into his agency "Morning Cellophane-san!" His secretary beamed from the desk before spotting the baby "Awe! He looks just like you- Oh you must be the famous F/n we all hear so much about, nice to meet you." You smiled at her "Likewise." 

He brought you up to his office and you laid on the couch in the corner as he did his work with Kiseki on his lap. A few hours later you were dozing off when his door swung open "We brought you lu- Kiseki's here!" Kaminari ran over and dropped Sero's lunch on his desk as he grabbed your son pulling his into a tight hug with a laugh "Hi uncle Denki!" You smiled when the rest of the Bakusquad walked in "Hey Sero fam how's it going?" You sat up "I could be taking a nap in my comfy bed instead im watching my husband do paperwork, could be better." 

Mina and Kirishima dropped themselves next to you "You could come on patrol with us, you still have your hero license so im sure it would be fine even if you are 'retired'." Sero gave you a look that had you sitting up straight "No thanks i'd rather stay with Kiseki." They frowned "Alright, maybe next time." Bakugou was now holding Kiseki "Surprised your dad let you come to the office he seems to love keeping you two idiots locked up." You laughed "I would rather stay at home were I know Kiseki is safe, besides Hanta makes enough for us to live comfortably with me at home." He shrugged "Guess thats responsible than most heroes, look at you two being good parents." You both laughed, just a couple n̷͚͌ò̸͔r̵̯͑̎m̴̠̺̂͘a̷̖̚ḻ̵͊  couples hanging out. 

(570 Words)

Requested by: readerfan_56 

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