By Her Side {Mirio}

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You went out to the garden for the fourth time, you can see nothing but woods for miles but its still pretty. You went back inside and flopped onto the couch, you wanna go out and explore but mother said its dangerous someone who doesn't like her could hurt you its why you stay cooped up in the cottage deep in the woods she grew just to keep you hidden away. Suddenly the door opened and you ran over hugging your mother, she coughed a bit so you let her go "You ok?" "Hugged me a bit tight there, how have you been?" "Bored." She handed you a shiny rock, another to add to your huge collection "Im sorry."

She looked around "I need to clean before I head out again, why dont you get dinner started." "Alright." You walked into the kitchen as she began to pick up all the books you left around the couch, she noticed most were about princes saving girls from there castles. She came into the kitchen after she cleaned up "So your bored, do you want me to bring you back anything?" "A friend." You gave her a sad laugh "No but some more books would be nice." "...Alright, want any help?" You woke up the next morning to your mother shaking you "I have a surprise for you!" You stood and walked with her to the living room "Surprise!"

Alright, want any help?" You woke up the next morning to your mother shaking you "I have a surprise for you!" You stood and walked with her to the living room "Surprise!"

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"You kidnapped someone!" She laughed walking over to the body and tapping him with a glowing hand "Course not, I made him." He opened his eyes "Hi F/n!" "Hi, uh,-" "His names Mirio." "Hi Mirio, mom when I said a friend I didn't mean some puppet-" "Nope, he has free will!" You smiled "So Mirio, do you want breakfast?" "That sounds great." "Well im heading out, see you in a couple days." She kissed your forehead and left as Mirio headed to the kitchen. 

You were laying upside down on the couch as Mirio was reading a book "Lets go explore!" You jumped up and snapped your fingers as a coat appeared over you "Your mother says not to leave the garden." "Yes but now I have you, you can protect me, so lets go!" He grabbed the collar of you coat and pulled you back "Nope, your mother says you must stay here." "I thought you had free will?" "I do and I use it to care about you so lets do something safe like... we can mess around with some harmless spells." You sighed, of course mother would make him care for you "Alright then." 

Your mother should have been back by now- Oh a knock at the door. You opened it and your mother came walking in "Sorry, I stopped and got you some more book, ima gonna go nap you and Mirio have fun." Later that night you were cooking when Mirio walked into the kitchen "F/n... you might wanna go check on your mom." You booked it to her room and noticed her chest wasn't rising anymore. You tried every spell you knew that might help but nothing worked, she seemed to be sick for a while but your not sure what tipped it over the edge. You dropped to your knees sobbing and Mirio was quickly at you side hugging you "Its ok F/n, at least she died peacefully." 

He pulled you out the room and handled your mother's burial for you. You were laying in your bed crying quietly "I just came to say goodnig-" "Can," you sniffled "Can you stay with me for the night?" He gave you a slight smile crawling in bed with you "What will you do now?" "Pack up and, I dont know explore the world?" Mirio hugged you tighter "I think you should stay here and take care of your mother's forest, she built it for you, you should stay inside it." You didn't want to stay here with the memories but Mirio had a point "...Yeah." He petted your hair "I promise i'll even help you! We can do it together!" 

(707 Words)

Requested by: Kamiko_1234 

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