All For One Head Canons

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*He didn't buy you, he offered salvation for your family, if he could have you he would send them somewhere they didn't have to worry about his plans for the future

*He liked you because unlike the others you weren't afraid of him but you never did anything to disobey... until you meet his brother

*Your normally bored expression became somewhat, kind?

*He noticed you no longer just wondering around his manner like a ghost, the only place you were allowed, you were always with his brother now, his weak annoying little brother!

*Then it happened, the thing he always dreaded, you and his brother ran away together to start a rebellion against his rule

*Of course he was annoyed but he promised himself to forgive you after all if it wasn't for his brother you never would have disobeyed after all

*You became his brothers right hand man and unofficial wife fighting against All For One and it was the happiest years of your life

*Well all good things must come to an end after all

*Your not to sure what happened to your husband because he forced you to take his quirk and run, run and give it to someone that could take it and keep the fight going then get to safety even if that was across the globe just get somewhere All For One cant reach you but after giving the quirk away you were captured and All For One said your husband ran like a cowered he was but you cant believe that 

*He forced you back to your place beside him as his 'queen' and offering you everything he could but unlike before you had rebellion in your blood, the fire in your eyes he loved so much as well and started acting out in the name of your lost lover

*He pretend you didn't fight back or curse his name, he acted as if you were happy be his

*Soon old age took you but he'd be damn if he lost you twice

*He found a doctor with black market medical equipment and mixed with his powers he could 'save you', your life will be lived in a hospital bed hooked to all kinds of equipment in a dark back room of his hideout 

*He visits you often, almost everyday, with stories of fights with your lost lover's successors and sometimes gifts...their dead bodies

*He likes to remind you that you left him but hes the one thats taking care of you 

*No one alive today other then All For One knows of your existent but you know of theirs, you know of Shigaraki Tomura All For One's successor who he had the nerve to name after your lost love, you know of All Might who almost ended his reign of terror and young Izuku Midoriya who you can feel is one of your husbands favorites

*Every time you hear of a new successor you hold out hope that in a way your lost love will come and save you, and All For One makes sure to crush that dream to keep you docile

*Your story gets a somewhat happy ended though because when All For One gets locked up Midoriya gets a quirk dream were your lost love tells him to free you, he convinces All Might who convinces some pros and they find you, of course you've been forced to stay alive for way over one hundred years so you tell Midoriya and All Might the story of the rebellion and then All Might 'pulled the plug' to say

*That night Midoriya got another quirk dream, you and your lover smiling and thanking him, while All For One got a vision of you finally back in the arms of the one man he never really beat because in the end you were always his brothers  

(648 Words)

Requested by: ZaiTheDarkChild

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