Stole {Ms. Joke}

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"Emi come meet F/n!" Ms. Joke came running over "Aizawa! ...Oh hi F/n are you a new teacher?" "No im Sho's girlfriend and i've heard so much about you." She gave you a smile "Thats strange because I haven't heard anything about you, Aizawa are we still gonna share lesson plans tomorrow?" "Yeah." After a night spent felling left out since they were talking about school things you headed home alone, since Aizawa had patrol.

You got halfway home when you heard steps behind you, you turned but didn't see anyone "Sho? ...If you wanted to walk me home you could have just asked." When he didn't appear from the shadows you turned to keep walking but came face to face with Joke "Oh! Fukukado you scared me. Do you need anything?" "For you to leave Shota alone." "W-what?" "You stole Shota from me! Hes mine, hes been mine since we meet in high school and you cant just show up and steal him from me." "I dont know what you me-" You were punched.

You hit the ground with blurry vision, you felt her grab your ankle and start dragging you as you blacked out. You woke up tied to a pole on the ground, Joke appeared over you "Sorry it had to be this way but I cant let you steal Shota right from under me when im so close to getting him. I'll be even closer now that i'll be his shoulder to cry on when you stop answering his calls, bye~"

(307 Words)

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