Mistake {Mic}

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The door to the english classroom was opened causing everyone to turn and look at Nezu and the women behind him in a hero suit, you stepped into the classroom "Come on Izuku." He had a big smile as he started packing before everyone winced at Mic's half scream "F/n!" You squinted at him before mirrored his smile "God Hizashi its been years I almost didn't recognize you." The two of you shared a quick hug as Midoriya walked over "Aunt F/n how do you know Mic-sensei?" Mic wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled your closer "Me and your aunt go way back, we were in highschool together." 

You smiled "We should catch up its been way too long." Mic jogged back over to his desk and grabbed a sticky note writing his number down and handing it to you "Yeah, here call me whenever." You grabbed the note you both started walking "Is dad back from America too?" "Yeah were all over at the apartment, Your sensei Eraserhead-san owed me a favor so I got it where you can come home for a few so we can all spend some family time together." Once home dinner was being pared and you decided to sneak off for a second and call Mic.

That morning you woke up to knocking on the guest rooms door, you sighed sitting up and rubbing your eyes "Yes!?" "Dad took Mom on a date, can you make breakfast!?" You opened the door to Midoriya still in his All Might jammies "Sure bud what do you want?" Suddenly arms were wrapped around you from behind and Mic rested his chin on your shoulder "I'll take you two out for breakfast, my treat." "Mic-sensei!?" "Morning bud." You waved him off your shoulder to get into his outside clothing as you patted Midoriya's head "Calm down Izuku and go get dressed I know where they serve the best food."

Soon you were all loading into Mic's car and jamming to some old school tones all the way to an old looking diner. Mic got out and ran around the car to open your door, you all piled into a booth as Midoriya grabbed a menu but Mic snatched it out his hand "Nope, trust me theres only one good dish." He ordered as you looked around "Hasn't changed a bit." Mic chuckled "Even the coffee stain in the corner still here." You giggled as Midoriya looked at you both as if you had two heads "Im sorry but you two have more to your relationship then just school friends, whats going on?" You gave a reminiscent sigh "Your right, me and Hizashi-kun used to date but unlike your parents we couldn't handle the long distance Hizashi was always working and I had a whole different sleep schedule it just kinda feel apart mutually."

Hizashi smiled "This was the only place I could afford back then, we used to come here everyday for breakfast before school but she took a work study in America and fell in love with the hero life there. Like she said it was mutual and as long as shes happy im happy for her." "Aww Zashi." The waitress came over and placed the food down and Midoriya quickly dug in. After you guys went home to find Inko and Hisashi watching tv on the couch, they both turned to you and smiled. Inko gave you all a look "Old diner?" Hisashi chuckled "{favorite breakfast}?" Hizashi smirked "Are we that predictable?" They both nodded making room for the three of you.

Hizashi stayed the three days you were there, Hisashi had to leave a day early due to an emergency so Mic offered to bring you to the airport since Hisashi couldn't "Bye Inko-chan bye Izuku!" You gave them both hugs before heading down to Mic's car since he already brought your suitcase. You soon noticed he was going the wrong way "Zashi your going the wrong way." "No im not, F/n I cant lose you again. Letting you go was the biggest mistake of my life I realize that now and I cant let myself remake it." You reached for the door handle but he quickly locked it "I know you feel the same you just need to calm down and realize it, here ill turn on some calm music for you."

(732 Words)

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