𝕊𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕕 {AFO Brother}

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When your 'husbands' brother came and freed you from your shackles you thought he was a knight in shining armor, your hero. That was until the facade faded and you realize he only saved you so he could have you for himself, he likes to tell you he locked you up to keep you safe from his brother but hes never been a good lier. You cant really complain he treats so much better than his brother ever did. Your not locked in one room chained to the floor no he gave you a whole house to explore, allowing you to read anything you want, dress how you want, speak your mind well as long as it wasn't targeted at him or his 'love' for you that is. You two probably could have been a normal happy couple if he would have saved you then courted you like a normal person instead of just locking you away again.

You were in the study with a book when you heard the door open "Im home!" He walked in and slumped over the couch "No one listens." "More quirk shit?" He sighed crawling over to lay across your lap "Yes." You hummed taking a sip of your tea "Wish I could have my quirk back." All For One stole it to make you less of a threat so now your just quirkless, he cupped your face "You know being quirkless changes nothing, your still just a strong and amazing as before quirk or no quirk." 

It would have been sweet to hear that, if he didn't use the fact you were quirkless to his advantage as well. "Im sure you'll handle this mess soon." He rubbed his face "I dont know, the rebellion is small and not many good quirks for fighting, not to mention my own problems controlling this quirk." You started rubbing his head "Your home now, you dont have to worry about any of that for this moment." He smiled "Right." He promised to not bring AFO up around you but sometimes things slip, its fine, you can't wait till he takes him down, then maybe you might get a chance in all the chaos to run.

(373 Words)

Requested by: FuntimeWolfie13

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