Cranky {KiriDeku}

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You were sitting at the table drinking some coffee when the two crazy mother fuckers that make you call them your boyfriends walked into the kitchen "Morning dear~" "Shut up." Normally you would humor them to stay on their good sides but your more annoyed than normal today. Kirishima turned to you "Somebody's cranky." You gave him a death glare "Somebody needs to shut the fuck up." Midoriya turned to you "Watch your mouth." "You watch it, I can't see it from here."  

You closed your eyes rubbing your temple before feeling a hand on your arm, tight "Ow!" Midoriya let go but he kept his cold look "Up." When you didn't move Kirishima grabbed your waist and threw you over his shoulder as they both walked to- oh no. "Im sorry, please dont." They ignored your and Midoriya opened the door for Kirishima to walk inside the dark room. He placed you on the mat on the floor and snapped the cuff on your ankle connected to the floor before standing up straight. "We'll come back for you after work, hopefully you lose the attitued by then."

(234 Words)

Requested by: anime--booknerd

Lol I didn't get home in time to be able to finish the stores I planned on posting today but I told you guys I would post if I didn't die and well I almost did but sadly im still here 

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