Wrong {Sero}

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Sero walked into the kitchen to see you making breakfast, he expected a plethora of things but not that. He yanked you out your bed, tied you up and brought you to his house, then cried like a baby begging for forgiveness for doing that... and your cooking for him!? You turned to see him "Oh good morning." "Uh...Morning?" He sat at the table as you handed him his plate and then sat on the opposite side of the table. As you ate pretending as if nothing was wrong he finally snapped "This is wrong, dont you get that? Why are you being so nice to me after what I did to you!?" You smile "Sero i've known you for years, I always knew it was coming." "What!?"

"The way you looked at me even before we officially met, the clinginess and 'accidental' touches, the looks you used to give Kaminari." He looked at you like you grew an extra head "And you stayed friends with me?" "I trust you, and look you know what you did is wrong and you apologized so i'll go home after breakfast and we can forget this happened and move on." "No." "Huh?" He gave you an apologetic look "I- I cant. I can't let you go now that i have you, im sorry but ever since I laid eyes on you I wanted to cuddle you, kiss you, marry you, I want you to be the mother to my kids. Now that I have you this fucked up part of me wants to do that whether you like it or not." You tried to stand but you were quickly taped to the chair "Im sorry F/n but, your mine now and forever."

(296 Words)

Requested by: ILoveMyths2003

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