Childhood 2 {AFO}

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The last thing you remember before passing out was being chucked in the alley by you 'love competition' and then three strange voiced talking above you. You woke in a hospital bed, a presence you haven't felt in years surrounding you. You sat up clutching your head as you heard a women speak "Are you alright ma'am?" You looked up and the feeling engulfed you "Its still around... that means the rebellions still going." "Rebellon?" You looked over to see a blond boy the feeling was strongest on him "Boy, what user are you!?"

Nana's eyes flickered and she gasped "Your... your the passer of one for all?" "Yes, who are you?" "Nana Shimura, 7th user of One For All and this is my protege young Toshinori Yagi the 8th." You gave a sigh of relief "Thank you for keeping it out the hands of that monster." Toshinori looked confused "Nana you said the passer was killed by All for one years ago." You laughed "No I sent Shinomori away when that beast came to get me, he must have though it killed me. Sadly no he kidnapped me, was always jealous of his brother." "He kidnapped you?" You turned to the man "Yes, we grew up together, at one point we were inseparable the best of friends, I always had a feeling he liked me but there was always...something off, about him."

You stayed with Nana helping her and Toshinori with OFA, telling the parts of the story that got lost to history. Of course you had to stay home most of the time so that one of AFO's clowns couldn't spot you and take you back, him believing your dead is the only way you can be safe. You watched Toshinori grow into the fine young man he was... when Nana gave her life to save his. You sent him off to America and hid in plain sight as Gran Torino's caregiver until he returned. And soon he did, with a little green haired boy who had a notebook asking you basically for your life story.

"Lets not annoy F/n with meaningless questions now we're here so she can tell you the story of One For All's origins and the firsts beliefs." "Its fine Toshinori." You squeezed the boys cheeks like a grandmother would "You remind me of the first user of One For All." Little stars started in the boys eyes "Was he your husband!?" "In a less than legal way yes." You told him all about OFA, AFO, and basically your whole life up to the moment he came threw the door. It was refreshing to talk to someone so much like your lost lover, maybe he will be the end to all this fighting.

~Time skip Brought To You By Laziness~

You can't believe Toshinori ditched these kids and his coworkers. You stood next to Aizawa, since you offered to go in All Mights place. The kids already know you, you've popped in on classes a few time, mostly to see Midoriya's improvements but all of the kids took a liking to you, to the point of claiming you as 'class mom' and you filled that role with words of praise and sneaking them cookies. It was supposed to be a normal training exercise, but is anything in your life allowed to be easy, apparently not. 

You watched Aizawa go, you can say with confidence he would have been a great help back in the early days of the rebellion

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You watched Aizawa go, you can say with confidence he would have been a great help back in the early days of the rebellion. You couldn't just stand around though, it wouldn't be right. You ran down and grabbed the guy who was about to grab Aizawa and slammed him down, you stomped a spot on his shoulder and he was unable to move "Huh, never seen that move before." You gave Aizawa a smirk "I would be happy to teach you if we both survive this." He punched the fuck outta a guy that came out of nowhere "It would be an honor to learn from you Shigaraki-san." 

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