Reality 2 {RoofTop Gang}

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"Uh, I'll go with Aizawa." She chuckled "Alright, good luck kitten~" You didn't get a chance to ask her what she meant by that before everything faded into darkness....

"L/n!" You jumped looking up to see Mic "Class is over, you were sleeping like a rock." You laughed standing and grabbing your bag "Sorry about that, I had one hell of a dream." Oboro started walking to the door "Really, what about?" "Uh, I dont really remember but it was weird." You told them both goodbye as you started walking home. You were halfway home when you heard Aizawa "Here kitty, kitty, kitty." You looked to the alley, this felt familiar. You walked into the alley to see Aizawa playing with a cat "Hey Aizawa." He turned standing and leaving the cat be.

"Oh hey I was gonna walk with you but I kinda got distracted." Yeah this was definitely familiar but why, you shrugged it off "So you walking me home?" "I was thinking we could go over to my house." "I thought your parents didn't like company?" He smiled pulling out a key "I got my own place, so you wanna come check it out?" "Of course!" You both started walking the opposite way and soon you came upon an apartment building nothing to special but it was nice. He opened the door and moved to let you in "Wow Aizawa! This is really nice!" 

"Why are you so surprised?" "I was sure it was gonna be empty with a sleeping bag on the floor." "Rude." You walked in and heard him lock the door, you didn't spend to much time thinking about it maybe this is a bad neighborhood or something. He suddenly hugged you from behind "So you like it?" "Yeah Aizawa its really nice, im glad you got away from your parents too." "Im glad you like it, because its your home now." You turned pushing his arms off you "Huh?" He smiled, every step he took towards you was mirrored by one you took back.

"Dont fight it Kitten it'll only make it worse." Kitten, the word triggered why this was all so familiar to you. Before he could grab you you booked it into the bathroom and locked the door, you reached into your pocket to grab your phone but it was gone, he must have snached it when he hugged you. He started banging on the door "Come on Kitten, open the door we can talk about this." Think, think, think! You have one option left "Koi!" Silence "Please Koi!" The banging got harder and the door made a cracking sound before it busted off its hinges. A laugh sounded in your head "Sorry but you can't fully blame me, I did let you choose after all." 

(518 Words)

Oboro: 6
Mic: 2
Aizawa: 8
And no ones surprise Aizawa won 🙃

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