𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕆𝕣 𝕆𝕓𝕤𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 {Mic}

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You sat on the couch arms chained behind you and legs chained to the couch legs so you had no choice but to let him smother you in the unwanted love "I love you songbird." "You dont love me, your obsessed with me! Big difference!" He looked down at you like a dad would look at a toddler they were humoring "And whats the difference?" "Your obsession with me is unhealthy and very alarming." He laughed as he cupped your face thumb stroking your cheek "You think this is an unhealthy obsession? Songbird dont be silly, your mine and im yours. You understand that right?"

You started crying, hes crazy and hes never gonna let you go, all you could do was cry. He stopped cupping your cheek and pulled you to him petting your head as you cried into his chest "Shh. I know my type of love can be overwhelming sometimes, but thats a good thing, it means I love you so much I forget how to control myself. You'll get used to it I promise."

(220 Words)

*Me looking at my request sheet*

My brain: Here's an idea, its about Mic

Me: I dont need a Mic idea right now

My writers block: To fucking bad you get what you get

Me: 😑

My brain hates me

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