Motherly Head Canons

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*Your weren't in the best place when you meet them and like the loving caring mothers they are they can scene that 

*They come over almost everyday to check on you and make sure your taking care of yourself in their own ways
Rei is cooking and cleaning for you and just reminding you people love you
Mitsuki is making sure you get out of bed/off the couch and shower even if she has to drag you
Inko is giving you all the love you've never had from a parental figure 

*But then something happens and you start slowly getting worse and even their parenting tricks cant get you to care for yourself 

*They do the only thing they can think of, take things into their own hands

*When you refuse to come willingly they take you

*Rei {Divorced and kids not living with her} has money and buys a house out of the city

*Shes been in the mental hospital and doesn't want you to have to go threw that so shes trying to get you away from people that might send you there

*Inko {Whos child lives in the dorm} and Mitsuki {Widowed and kid lives in the dorm} move right in with you two

*Your already to weak to fight back so their basically nurse you back to health

*By the time you are in any shape to fight back its to late, your almost as attached to them as they are to you, they cared for you when no one else did, they were their for you even when you were refusing to even try to get better, they cant be the bad people they were just trying to help you in the only way they could

(294 Words)

Requested by: Piggyevething_1368

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