Corner 2 {Shinsou}

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He was still sad of course but this might have been for the best. He woke up with a yawn "Morning kitten." You were staring up at the ceiling "Does kitty want some breakfast?" He stood with a stretch going over to the closet and getting dressed before grabbing one of his favorite shirts and going over to you striping you of your pajamas before putting the shirt on. He placed you on his hip and started walking to the kitchen fixing your hair, he put your down on the chair and fixed the feeding tube he had to put on you, you wouldn't eat and he had no other choice. 

After he was finished with his breakfast he carried you to the couch and sat you on his lap letting your head fall onto his shoulder, even though theres no light behind your eyes and your staring straight ahead with a blank expression he can convince himself your his happy cuddly girlfriend who wants to have a movie day with him. A couple hours later he picked you back onto his hip "You ready for bed?" He walked you up to the bathroom and stripped you placing you in the tub and making sure you were good and cleaned before taking you out and drying you off with a warn fluffy towel. He put you in some fresh pajamas and layed next to you on the bed "Night kitten." Of course hes sorry, more than hes ever been before, but whats done is done and having you as some life size doll he can dress up and place however he likes isn't so bad.

(308 Words)

Requested by: WeatherBoys67

For those who were confused the first time around, Shinsou hit you without thinking and it "broke" you so now you're kinda just this shell of a person 

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