Quirkless? {Shigaraki}

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You stomped into the bar area as Shigaraki followed still ranting about something you did he didn't like. He got annoyed that you wouldn't look at him and grabbed your shoulder to spin you around. You both froze in extreme fear, after almost a full minute he slowly took his hand away confused. You looked at your shoulder, then rolled it "Im, alive?" You turned to him "H-how?" He was crying as you started hyperventilating, Kurogiri quickly came in and examined your shoulder, there was no proof Shigaraki had even touched you "I'll call the doctor."  

After being pricked and poked for hours on end the doctor finally let Shigaraki and Kurogiri back into the room "Alright your...girlfriend? Isn't actually quirkless her quirk is called 'resistance', she is resistant to quirks that can cause physical damage." Shigaraki looked ready to break down "So... I, can touch her?" "The short answer is yes." You were basically ripped off the operating table and into his lap as he cupped your face peppering it with kisses as you tried to comprehend what the doctor said, you've lived your whole life being bullied for being quirkless and the last couple months scared half to death Shigaraki would accidentally kill you all for nothing.

(223 Words)

Sorry rewrite cuz I wanted some Shigaraki but had no ideas for him lol

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