Happy {Aizawa}

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You would do anything for your son. You've changed careers to have more money for him, you've moved so he could have more space, you've stayed up for nights on end to make custom EraserHead stuff since he doesn't have merch, you even walk all the way across town everyday to bring him to a cat cafe. That last one is how you meet him. You tried to brush him off but Shinsou loved him and soon he was using that fact to get his hands on you.

You were cooking breakfast when Aizawa came up behind you wrapping his arms around you and placing his chin sleepily on your shoulder "Morning kitten." It sent a shiver down your spine but before you could push him off Shinsou ran into the kitchen "Mom! Dad! Uncle Mic just took down ten villains on live tv!" Aizawa chuckled along with you and you scooped Shinsou up "Mom can dad bring me to work with him!? I wanna tell uncle Hizashi how cool he looked!" You smiled "Sure." Aizawa came over pulling you closer and giving you a kiss "Go get dressed Toshi then after breakfast we'll head out."

He ran off and Aizawa's grip tightened "Stop being so tense love, and what did I say about morning kisses its like you want poor Toshi to lose another father." Your eyes widened before you peppered kisses on his face, you would do anything for your son... 

(245 Words)

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