Break {EraserMic}

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You waited till you no longer heard Mic's car to even open your eyes, if they believe your asleep then they dont try and make you eat breakfast with them. You went into the kitchen to find a plate with a little yellow sticky note next to it 'Hope you have a great day! :)' You scowled at the bright yellow reminder of how shitty your life is before crumpling it up and throwing it away. You walked by the plate on your way to pour yourself some cereal and milk. After you ate you went and channel surfed for a bit before getting sleepy.

You yawned as you stood making your way to your captors bedroom, their bed is bigger and a lot more comfy then yours and since they wouldn't be home for hours you could actually enjoy it without them trying to curl up with you uninvited. You curled into bed when you felt a light breeze, you didn't think much of it till you heard a car pass by but it wasn't muffled like it came threw the diy soundproof wall. You looked around and noticed the closed curtain was swaying a bit. You quickly jumped up and hurried over to it, pulling it back revealed a slight crack at the bottom probably to let some cool air in during the night.

Your heart skipped a beat and the only thing you could hear was the blood rushing through your ears. You were shaking with joy as you ran to your room to get dressed, you didn't have shoes since they never bought you any, no reason for shoes if your never allowed out. You quickly put your pants on and ran back to the window, it took a bit of manpower but you got the window open just enough to slip yourself out. You hit the ground with a thud and it took you a couple minutes to collect yourself enough to stand, it wasn't to high of a fall but it still hurt. 

You brushed yourself off as you stood after nothing more then a second your eyes adjusted to the natural brightness of the real sun, you took a deep breath and smile, freedom tasted amazing. That was until you heard a gasp and you were grabbed and wrapped into a hug "Are you ok!? Is anything broken!? That was such a big fall!-" "Hizashi hurry up and bring her inside." You pulled your face from the leather clad chest and turned to Aizawa, he looked pissed. You were wisped away back into your personal hellhole. 

They sat you on the couch as Mic started looking you over for injuries and Aizawa gave you a death glare "What were you thinking? We come to have lunch with you since you sleep through breakfast and as were pulling into the driveway we see you jump out the window on the second floor!" You didn't speak but you did shrink under his gaze, once Mic was done checking you he pulled you on to his lap and hugged you "Why did you do that baby?" "I dont wanna be here anymore." Mic and Aizawa had to very different styles of trying to make you behave and in all honesty while Mic's isn't ideal either you do prefer it. Aizawa scoffed "Why the hell not? Your clothed, fed, basically everything you could ever want or need is handed to you on a silver platter." "You ripped me from my bed and forced me to be your fucked up version of a girlfriend! Im going to get out of here and your both gonna get what you deserve!" 

Aizawa smiled as he leaned down to get eye level with you "I should just break your legs then, that way you can never run away again." Your brain didn't even register your action until you had done it, you quickly yelped tucking yourself into Mic shaking. Mic swatted at Aizawa as a warning "Stop that!" He stood still holding you to him "If you keep acting like this she'll never accept her place." Aizawa rolled his eyes "And if you keep allowing her to get away with things she'll never know her place." You hate when they fight, you always get stuck in between Mic's yelling and Aizawa constantly slamming his hands down on countertops or punching walls, it's one of the scariest things  you've experienced while there.

You really didn't wanna be caught in the middle of it once again "Hizashi." His face softened as he looked down at you sympathetically "Yes darling?" "Can you please come take a nap with me?" Aizawa crossed his arms giving Mic a look that said he better not but Mic ignored him "Im not tired but i'll come lay with you till your asleep ok?" "Thats ok." It might not stop the fight but if you can keep the two apart till Aizawa goes on patrol he can go take his anger out on the villains and not you two.

(917 Words)

Requested by: glitchyfandom2

One of my dogs died today and well im gonna take a break cuz it's hitting me hard not only have I had him since a couple hours after he was born but my babies {animals} are my life line, i'll be back soon tho dont worry 🙃

RIP my baby Zanzibar,

RIP my baby Zanzibar,

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