Powerful {1A + Aizawa}

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Idk if I need to put a warning, Aizawa can be interpreted as platonic or romantic thats up to how you see so just know that before you read

You were walking along side Monoma to lunch, Midoriya and Kirishima frowned "Hey L/n, Aizawa is taking 1A out for lunch, you coming?" You smiled at them "Maybe next time." Monoma wrapped an arm around your waist and gave them his smug smile as you walked off with him. Kirishima threw the classroom door open in a fit, Aizawa turned to him "Well?" "She said 'maybe next time'." Aizawa sighed pinching his nose "How did she manage to reject both of you? Puppy eyes?" Midoriya sighed rolling his eyes "Of course puppy dog eyes, she didn't even flinch."

Bakugou scoffed standing up "We did it their way now its time for me and Aizawa's plan!" They all looked around and Uraraka shook her head "It seems harsh." Tsu joined in "And unfair." Aizawa crossed his arms "Whats unfair is after all we've done for her she ditches us for a rat." Eventually after a bit more discussion they all came to the agreement to try it the hard way. The next day Aizawa called you into his office, you walked in to see him buried in his work "I can come back lat-" "Sit. Now." You dropped your book bag and sat in the chair he had in front of his desk sifting slightly under his gaze.

"You have one of the most powerful quirks not only in UA but in hero society currently." "Uh, thank yo-" "And thats why I must expel you." You jumped off the chair basically almost throwing yourself over his desk "What!?" "Did I say you could stand?" You quickly sat again "I've done nothing wrong, you cant kick me out because of my quirk." "You can quite literally steal a persons quirk without anyone knowing, I cant have someone like that running wild around so many people with powerful quirks the villains would do anything to get their hands on." "Please Aizawa-sensei there has to be something I can do to prove im no threat!"

Aizawa hid his smirk behind his normal monaton expression "Yes, I want you to stop ditching the events 1A holds, I cant trust you to be a member of this class if your constantly avoiding us." You didn't even question it "Yes sir." "Good now run along there all eating breakfast go join them." "Yes sir, thank you sir." And with that you ran off,  Aizawa took out his phone and soon Bakugou answered "Yeah?" "Got her." He heard the class quietly erupt into excited whispers.

(451 Words)

Requested by: marvelrulez

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