HouseWife 2 {Midnight x Mic x Aizawa}

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You had almost popped the stupid thing off when the lights flicked on "What do you think your doing?" You turned around trying to hide the knife behind your back, Midnight was standing in the doorway in her pajamas "I-" She came to loom over you snatching the knife out your hand "Because to me it looks like your being a bad girl~" Oh you dont like that tone, just then the door opened and you heard Aizawa grunt as he threw his capture weapon onto the coffee table "Shota come here!"

You shrunk under her gaze as Aizawa tiredly entered the kitchen "Yes Kayama?" "Our sweet little darling was trying to pop her ankle cuff off." "Your all crazy!" Aizawa sighed "Kitten can we please not start this again, you've been so good lately." "Im not doing anything, your the ones that locked me up and took my quirk and free will!" Midnight tsked her tongue "You can apologize and come to bed like a good girl or I can punish you like the bad one your acting like, your pick." Lies if you let your guard down and go to bed she'll get you all the same "Hiza-!"

She cupped her hand over your mouth and got you bent over the kitchen counter "Hizashi can't save you this time sweet thing. Shota go get my paddle, the studded one." 

(273 Words)

Requested by: 09w5g8

Idk if this counts as monster fucking or not but I would let Midnight from the picture above do WHATEVER she wanted to me... let's be real I would let normal Midnight have her way with me to tho 😂

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