Never {Aizawa}

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He grabbed your face tugging you to look at him "I asked you to repeat yourself." You scowled at him "Your crazy if you think im ever gonna care about you much less be your little housewife."

The door to Aizawa's hospital room shot open "Shota! What have you done to yourself!?" He smiled under his bandages hearing the worry in your voice "Just a villain attack, me and thirteen took the brunt of it to save the students." He heard you pull up a chair "Is thirteen ok?" "Their fine." A nurse came in "Aizawa-san, oh hello you are?" You turned to her "Sorry, im his fiance." He couldn't help but smile wider hearing you say that. "Alright then, Aizawa-san the doctor looked it over and yes you can be discharged early."

You turned to him "You wanna leave the place that has the equipment to help you?" "I'll be fine." You sighed as she gave you the paper to sign for him to leave, and you did. You had to argue but he finally agreed to leave in the wheelchair, halfway down to the parking lot you heard a familiar voice, Mic. He stopped in front of you "I called you because I thought you would take my side, he shouldn't be leaving." You sighed "You know hes gonna win in the end im not wasting my breath." Mic sighed before shaking your shoulder "How are you doing with all this?" You hugged him "Im fi-"

"Aka!" You quickly let go of Mic to be at Aizawa's side "You ok?" "My arm, its fine now." You nodded "Hizashi me and F/n need to be going." He nodded as you rolled him to the car and helped him in. On the drive you heard him chuckle "Something funny?" "Fiance?" "Only family is allowed to see you and I dont think you wanted me to say 'oh sorry im his captive.'" He leaned back "So you dont want me to get down on my knee with a pretty ring?" "Can you even hold a ring like that?" "Do you deserve a ring?" He chuckled again turning to the window, as if your telling the truth hes given you a phone and 'friends', and you have a car everything you need to leave and yet here you are glancing over at him every few minutes to make sure hes ok.

You pulled into the garage of the house and ran to his side helping him to his bed. You carefully laid him down "Do you need anything?" "Some water." "Sure your not hungry?" "If you want to cook i'll eat." You walked out and came in an hour later to find him out like a light. You nudged him and placed his food down "Uh kitten?" "I know, give me a minute." You sat at the edge of the bed grabbing the bowl of soup and helping him eat it. "Can you get my meds, in that bag." You helped him take his meds before grabbing the water and helping him drink it. You stood making your way around the bed and getting comfy on the other side "Sleeping here tonight?" "You need your pain meds every four hours and im not walking back and forth, now shut up before I leave and you can suffer." 

He chuckled "Can I at least get some cuddles, I mean I almost died." You sighed scooting closer and throwing your arm over his chest trying to doze off. You were on time with the meds, making sure he had water, and was always comfortable before going back to sleep. The alarm for work went off and you tried to dismiss it only for him to get up slowly "What are you doing?" "Going to work?" "No, get your half dead ass back in this bed." "I have a job to do." You sighed getting up and fetching his suit and carefully helped him into it. You drove him to the door where Mic was waiting "Thanks F/n, i'll take it from here."

Aizawa walked into the teachers lounge to find Mic sorting his pills "Oh good I didn't have to go hunting you down." "Im not taking those, I dont need them." Mic gave him a look "F/n said if you refused to take them im supposed to call her." He sighed "Just give them to me." After school he had patrol and started walking his new route. He walked around a street corner when he saw a jewelry store...maybe you do deserve that ring.

(803 Words)

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