Assistant {Gang Orca}

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You were walking behind Gang Orca telling him exactly what the meeting was going to be about and gathering the notes he needs for it "Hey Orca man!" You pered from behind him since you thought you two would be the first there,

You were walking behind Gang Orca telling him exactly what the meeting was going to be about and gathering the notes he needs for it "Hey Orca man!" You pered from behind him since you thought you two would be the first there,

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Your face heated up as he noticed you and took his sunglasses off "Hi little listener, whats got you here?" "Uh-" "Shes my assistant, shes here to be the amanuensis." He smirked as he stood walking over to you and wrapping an arm around your side walking you to a seat in the back of the conference room and lightly pushing you in it as he leaned over you "Assistant huh, got a name cutie?" "L/n." He smiled as he stuck his tongue at you playfully "Well L/n maybe-" 

You both heard Gang Orca clear his throat and looked over "Please dont distract L/n-san before the meeting starts Mic." He stood dramatically throwing his hands in the air "Didn't mean to step on anyone's toes big guy, sorry cutie guess are little talk will have to wait." He laughed as he sat back at his seat in front Gang Orca and a few minutes later the rest of the heroes came filing in and taking their seats and the meeting started.

You kept your head down typing away everything the heroes were saying making sure not to miss any of the really important details. You looked up because Endeavor had stop talking only to make eye contact with Mic, you gave him a smile to which he winked back before looking back to Endeavor who had started speaking again after a light cough. Once the meeting was over you saved the file and emailed it to Gang Orca before closing the laptop and gathering everything up to leave.

A hand brushed some of your hair out your face and you looked up to see Mic "Well little assistant lady, what are you doing now that this meetings over?" Before you could answer Gang Orca came over "Shes going to look threw the notes everyone took and her notes and make a highlight to send to everyone so nothing important is missing." Mic frowned at the interruption as you stood nodding "Go ahead to the agency i'll meet you there." You nodded leaving him and Mic in the empty conference room.

"Voice Hero: Present Mic also known as radio host and teacher Hizashi Yamada gone missing! League Of Villains expected to be behind it!"

(459 Words)

Requested by: Kuno0014

I killed Mic again

*Dramatically takes off plastic glow in the dark spider ring and hugs it*

Im a widow 😭

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