Hunting {Mic}

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You walked into the office of your boss, Present Mic, with the coffee he asked you to go run and get for him. Your not officially an employee your an intern trying to make it big in the music world and Mic offered you a spot to get some experience. "Yamada-san I have your coffee." He sighed "Mic not 'Yamada-san'." "Sorry sir." He looked up from the paper and once he laid eyes on you his face softened "Sorry L/n I thought you were someone else. I go by Mic please remember that." "Alright Mic, I have your coffee." You put it down and turned to leave to talk to your supervisor to see what they wanted you to do next.

Later after closing you were walking with a group of workers and other interns when you saw a door creaked open and a light on "I'll see you guys tomorrow." You walked down the hall and pushed the door open "Yes?" You looked up to see Mic still leaned over his desk with the mountain of paperwork "Sorry Mic I saw the light on and thought I would turn it off, I thought you were heading home as well." "Not with all this work." He perked up "Maybe you could come keep me company listener." He did give you this opportunity asking for nothing but cleaning headphones in return, I mean most interns get stuck with things like organization and hard things like that.

"Sure." You shut the door and went over to sit on the red couch parallel from his desk. He started a conversation about the music he played that night that you happily contributed too. After about two hours you two left together before making your separate ways home. This become somewhat of a routine for the two of you to just sit around and talk after work and soon you went from intern to one of the higher in power workers.

You were walking past the lounge with a box of things for the recording studio when you heard a loud scoff "Wasn't she an intern like 2 months ago how is she in that position already i've been working here for years." You stopped and leaned in a little more to hear the other voice "You know I heard after work she sneaks off to Mic's office and people have seen them leave together a few hours after the office closes." The girls laughed "That whore is totally sleeping her way to the top." They started laughing harder as you frowned, is that really what people thought of you? "Hey songbird!"

You looked up to see Mic, he pointed to the lounge "Getting coffee?" "No gotta bring this stuff up stairs, sorry see ya." He walked into the lounge and the girls stopped laughing, when you came back down both had boxes with their things and they were crying "Hey are you guys ok?" The girl hiccuped "We're fired." And with that they both walked away, maybe Mic caught them in the lounge when they weren't supposed to be there. Work ended and you started heading to Mic's office but stopped and turned to the door leaving with the rest of the employees. 

You were walking home when you started hearing footsteps and suddenly someone grabbed your arm worling you around to see two large guys "Whats a little thing like you doing walking all alone?" "I-Im just trying to get home." The other guy smiled "Oh dont worry we'll let you get on your way, when were done." They smiled and you started shaking suddenly a voice boomed behind them "Scram!" They turned and ran and you were confused until Mic grabbed your arm and started leading you the opposite way "You ok songbird?" 

"Uh, yeah, how did you know I was in that mess?" "You never showed up, and I know you heard what those girls were saying, so I came to apologize for tarnishing your name like that." He opened the car door and you slid in without thinking still a little shaken up. He got in the driver seat and started driving "A little advice for you." He glanced over to make sure you were looking at him "Be careful of the men you invite into your life there always hunting." He smiled but it wasn't his normal smirk "Even me." Suddenly you heard the click of the door lock.

(760 Words)

Me: Has 15 request that needs to be written/revised

Also me: Writing unprompted Mic stories  

I just love my husband😂

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