Receptionist {Pro Heroes}

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Pro Heroes: Hawks, Mic, Mt. Lady, Midnight, Rock Lock, Joke, FatGum, and Miriko

You like you job its easy and you can say with one hundred percent guarantee that you've met every single hero to work in Japan and most our really nice. Your the receptionist for the front desk of the hero commotion. You clocked in and sat in your seat turning the computer on, the bell chimed for the first time today and you looked up to see Hawks "Heyo! Hows my little song bird?" "Im doing good." He walked right into the elevator already knowing where he needs to go apparently. 

A few hours later some more of your regulars walked in, Present Mic and Mt. Lady. "Hey listener!" "Hi cutie~." You gave them both a look "Let me guess, your both in trouble for excessive property damage." Mic gave a nerves chuckle as Mt. Lady rubbed the back of her neck "Tsk, tsk, tsk, alright head up there you two." Next was Midnight "And you got public indecency charges right?" "No!" You laughed "Then you want to try and argue for hero costume laws again?" "Yup." "Im not allowed to let you up there for that. She huffed and leaned over your desk taking one of the lolly pops in the jar on your desk and popping it into her mouth.

"Can I stay and chill then?" "Sure." She ran around the desk and plopped into your lap with a happy giggle, a few hours after she wondered off Rock Lock came in "Hey I need to speak to an official." "Oh, normal or classified?" "Normal, its about how they use the students in the hero course to much." "Please go right up, third floor, take a left, second door on your right." "Thanks sugar." You also saw Ms. Joke, FatGum, and Miriko. Then a hero you had never seen before came in "Hi sir how can I-" He shoved his American hero licence in your face

"Look I just need to know where to get this changed into a Japanese hero licence so stop yapping and point me there." Its part of your job to be nice to those kinds of people so you smiled "Sure sir, tenth floor and take a right the receptionist there can help you." He walked off not even thanking you. The other heroes came over to your desk. Midnight leaned against the desk again "Are you ok?" You looked up confused as Hawks frowned "His rudeness was so uncalled for, you want anything like a snack, drink, maybe you can come get lunch on me." "Nah its fine, just another everyday asshole they dont even get to me anymore."

They all looked to each other then back to you "Alright guess we best get to that meeting then." You looked to the scheduled on the computer "Theres no meetings today?" You looked up but they were already gone. You watched as everyone left, well almost everyone, that new hero you never saw him again but assumed he just slipped out while you were busy. You caught the commotion president out the corner of your eye and quickly stood "Ma'am I think something is wrong with the schedule you gave me today." "I made it myself. what the problem?"

"The meeting wasn't on it." She looked at you like you just grew another arm out your forehead "There was no meetings today."

(576 Words)

Requested by: Crimson_Dragon13

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